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All about Babarian faction: Stats, Talent, Tactics, Strategy


AuthorAll about Babarian faction: Stats, Talent, Tactics, Strategy
IMO for Survival Tournaments is always better full Orcs + Hobs + Ogres
about talents, try first to take retribution (when available) then morale
and for arts rigs of inspiration + full arts
This is always the same no matter the CL.

For PvE ... sometimes is better hobs but almost always the choice is max orcs ( as always ) max wolfs then Rocs and some ogres to cast chastize when available.
Talents for PvE could be a luck based combination, BF + Some luck works amazing with wolfs.

For PVP... Till CL13 probaly orcs + wolfs are the right choice , then Rocs and some ogres and for me Max cyclops -1 when cyclops are available.
From CL14 + i found more usefull orcs + cyclops + hobs + full ogres with retribution + morale.
But recently I tried hobs + orcs + full Tbirds -1 + full cyclops -1 + rest ogres with luck talents and works fine also.

About arts in PvP always full arts and rings try to use rings with iniciative as soo as reach CL10, like Dragons eye or signet ring of might.
Iniciative is very important, without that rings your orcs will be death in 1st turn before shoot.
[Post deleted by moderator Wertz // ]
any other questions? WoodBox can definitely help .
What is a good troop combination and talents for TG at combat level 11?

I am fsp 4 barb.

any other suggestion? It's hard to ambush as low fsl barb.
to add to the above question:-

What do i do when i face mages in TG? like DE,Dwarf and especially Demon mage(with or without hellfire talent).They deal like 400 damage with lightening and 200+ with hellfire,when triggered. My wolves or hobs simply donot survive and ogre don't reach in time either.
thanks vitrea :)

For Ajith

About ambushing as barb.

Of course the more fsl the better for ambush , but i think once you reach FL 5 is enought to ambush quite well with the +2 ini bonus.
Barb is not a much dependant faction level for ambushing, i mean the combat readiness is great but if you wait without attack more than 1 turn in ambush you are half dead, so the main difference here is ogres that after casting spells and move can have good combat readiness , if you are only fl 4 then you will have + 12% damage bonus and other barb with cl 8 will have +24%, but with orcs , birds, hobs and cyclops there is no difference.

in CL 11 you have 40 point so my choce will be:
A) Advanced Offense + BF + Advanced Luck
B) Expert Offense + BF + Cold blade
For ambush i like more A) but you can try B) if you fell comfortable with that

Why A) because with 2 luck + 1 luck with amulet = 3 luck that can incline the balance to your side many times.

I dont like ambush in min ap , i did that but was borded for me.
Full arts is too much expensive for most of us , but there is something in the middle since the merge.
For CL 11, I will try:
- 2 x rings of thorns
- Helmet of courage
- Lucky horseshoe
- Mithril mail armour
- Maskrobe or Cape of arcane protection
- Sword of courage (Main) or Sword of stiffness (If you think that need more ini.)
- Hawk lord bulwark
- Soldier boots

With that we have a cost per battle aprox 300 gold , but the win rate is obiously much better than a min AP wich cost 100 gold aprox.

IMO will be
143 hobs
52 Orcs
23 ogre magi
8 rocs
3 cyclops

If you dont have ogre magi, then take less ogres and more rocs

If you want to face a wizzard , the best strategy is a frontal attack.
Usually your troops will have better ini (except demons) so I will place Rocs in middle right, hobs in center down, ogres in center up, orcs in SO corner protected by a few ogres , and cyclops in NO corner.

As soon as your turn come charrge directly with birds, hobs and ogres, this is the best.

If you dont have ogre magi, the there is a problem cos regular ogres only have 4 speed and dont reach in one turn , if you have regular ogres the try to place in center east ( opposite to rocs ) and pray for their turn come.

About demons... is basically the same but gating is a pain in the a**, sometimes you will win but usually you will loose, i dont find a definitive strategy against them.
With that we have a cost per battle aprox 300 gold , but the

Thanks Woodbox that truely is detailed.The only thing i don't understand is how can the cost per battle for that many gears be 300 gold. the 2x thorn rings alone cost ~250 gold
its probally missing an 0 so 3000 per battle it sound about right, too lazy to work it out properly ;)
wow, sorry don't know what I was thinking!
the set I exposed in last post is about 780-820 gold per battle.

A tip is that is not necessary wear the full set at once, i think you should increase arts only when the battles turn really hard, so you can begin with sword, shield, boots and medal of bravery and later add head and armor and finally rings and cape.
this way is more progressive and more funny, loosing 8 times in a row in min ap when caravans turn hard cost you also lot of money and...
- give you less fsp and worse exp/fsp ratio
- dont give you some looted money
- as you receive very few fsp you really decrease caravans strength very few and many times nothing (you need at least 0, 3fsp in order to decrease strength and the more you get the biggest is the reduction)
-finally you get bored to play and wait 1 hour.
best telents to fight holy knight at lvl 9
for barbmaster:
I saw your fight.your talents won't help you unless you change ur strategy.I suggest taking [adv.off+bf+cold blade or archery]. or you can take defensive route which is not much diverse at ur lvl.If you are going defense you can take : [Basic def+avoidance+stunning]

The strategy I'm going to suggest is useful lvl 10+ but not bad at your level.Your mistake was to move your rocs first move,I say wait with them.Split orcs into 3..yes 3 groups .Their main aim is to destroy his one stack of swordsmen to break border.When rocs turn comes later,transport ogres near his wardens and stun griff.Even if he uses brutes to block they won't be able to stop your ogres considering they can fit in 1 square.try to block all stacks of shooters (2 wardens+monks).The ogres will keep them busy for a while.Use this opportunity to destroy his griffins with rocs and raiders.Raiders MUST get first hit.As for arts,get atleast 2 morale from arts so that you have 3 morale and burst can be game-changing.

Hope it helps you.
Hi all, i'm lv.6 Barb, soon reaching lv.7 :)

Which is better for Barb, Thief Guild or Ranger Guild?
Do TG more difficult for Barb than RG?
Ranger guild unless you have enough to buy into the Thief Guild, Then you always go for thiefing :D
Always better TG, you get more ini % bonus, is faster, less arts needed, more arts looted and can get back your 500k money once reached TG5 but.... you need 500k to get the invitation or 80 diamonds.

RG you need more arts , is slower, get less arts and ini bonus and got very few but very valuable arts, is free entrance.

As barb you can do ambushes perfectly and with very few arts or even min AP at the beggining ;)
Ranger guild unless you have enough to buy into the Thief Guild, Then you always go for thiefing :D
I see, So it's better go for TG if i have enough gold

Always better TG, you get more ini % bonus, is faster, less arts needed, more arts looted and can get back your 500k money once reached TG5 but.... you need 500k to get the invitation or 80 diamonds.

RG you need more arts , is slower, get less arts and ini bonus and got very few but very valuable arts, is free entrance.

So TG is like long term investment, we can sell expensive looted arts and at TG5 we get back our TG invitation.

Thanks for your response, i'll saving gold for TG invitation.
Hi, I just reach lv.7.
What is the best talent for 1 vs 1 at lv.7?
Battle Fury, Advance Fortune, or Rally
For Anggie
Battle fury is best.
Battle fury is a must
Battle fury is best.
Battle fury is a must

Battle fury is a must for hobgoblins, then i must recruiting max hobgoblins or max ogres?
- 81 hobgoblins + 16 ogres, Or
- 94 hobgoblins + 14 ogres
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