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All about Elves faction: Stats, Talent, Tactics, Strategy


AuthorAll about Elves faction: Stats, Talent, Tactics, Strategy
why not orc ?
coz normally we get Cyc in barb caravans & they are harder to kill when compared to orcs
P.S : I will kill all elves :D
Recruiting, talents and phantoms for sts
Pls help
for cakur: I use orc, but between ogres and cyclops, I preffer cyclops.
It seems that the large stacks in CL13 ambushes for barbs are either cyclops or Ogres so it seems a waste to set it for Orcs. It would be different in PvP.
For TG against barb..cyclopes in GB/CG it is Ogre. setting orc is waste unless you face more orc caravan
Ok what about for knights "swordsmen or Monks"? For ambushing that is.

I have switched back to Cyclops from ogres.

For other factions "cerebus, golems, shrews and vampires".

and Usary for dwarves though i don't know what their caravans will be like...
Ok what about for knights "swordsmen or Monks"? For ambushing that is
i think it is little confusing :( coz we get big stack of sword or monk or both:)..l did more TG with guards at beginning but later i changed to monk since i seen killing cleric is too tough than Guardian.
but i prefer swords than monk(my opinion)coz i avoid direct hitting monk/cleric with efk usually. for GB/CG it is swords of course

For demon Cerberus in TG\PvP
For Wiz Golems in TG garg in PvP
For Necro vamp in CG ghost in PvP
For DE shrews in CG mino in PvP
And naturally 2 ambushes later I get a caravan with no Cyclops and a stack of 140 orc chiefs....:)
And naturally 2 ambushes later I get a caravan with no Cyclops and a stack of 140 orc chiefs....:) can't guess every time so we have to ignore some :(
completely ignored....
Thx guys
Never goina post here again....
completely ignored....
Thx guys
Never goina post here again....
calm down..dude
May be here very few do ST. i never did ST as elf:P especially after that tower introduced.
all i know adv nature + offense +luck and enough manna to cast clone.
for Baweja:
yes.. switch to knight!
we answer everything :P
for Baweja:

Take max sprites, GMB, unicorns, anchorites and the rest of treefolks.

Use battle fury + basic nature magic + advanced fortune

Split anchorites in 3 stacks and keep feeding your hero with mana... summon phantom of gmb, sprites then unicorns.

for niranjan2009:

It seems you really really really hate elfs, lol
It seems you really really really hate elfs, lol
No one helped me unless i gt angry and posed that comment
He dosen need to hate elves, Elves here dont like each other
Elves here don't like each other
not really..problem is unlike knight there is no active high lvl elf for answering question(may be they are busy)
it wasn't only for elf all other faction except knight having this issue.
before nappa will answer some but he is no more..like that..
While I was active, I answered as many questions as I could. Now that I'm back, and recently CL14... I can once again answer questions.

Unfortunately, I have a question myself. What are decent recruit/talent combos for CL14 Elf?
hi baweja,

for ST i dont know how many talent points u got, three luck u need, basic nature talent for summon and battle fury for melee units.

u can decide which recruiting u want to take, weather u play with max efk, then sprites, unis, gmb, anos and last unit tree. or u can take max sprites, then unis, gmb, anos and tree. in some tourney its better to take efk and sometimes many shooters are better, u have to decide in relation to waves. hope we could help u
ipslnei think you have to ask Vengeful :)
for ipslne:

For hunts in general I use max efk, max gmb, max unicorns, max dragons, 8 treefolks and 5 anchorites just to cast stone skin. I get battle fury, advanced fortune, basic nature magic and basic erudition. If I am hunting slow creatures I use max sprites, max GMB, the rest of anchorites, treefolks, dragons and unicorns (in this order), and the same talents. If I will hunt large and tough creatures, I get max gmb, max anchorites, max treefolk, the rest of sprites, unicorns and dragons (in this order). I get archery, advanced fortune, basic nature magic and basic erudition.

For TG I don't like use phantom, then I use advanced offense, battle fury and expert fortune. My recruitment is max EFK, max Unicorns, max Dragons, the rest of sprites and gmb (in this order), get 5 anchotires and 8 treefolks.

For MG I can't say... depends on the kind of quest I will do.

For CG I like get basic offense, tatics, expert fortune, resistance and soldier's luck. I get max gmb, max anchorites, max dragons and the rest of treefolk. I let the 2 empty tiers to split anchorites. It only change somethings against wizards, when I like to get advanced leadership, rally, innate swiftness and advanced fortune. For troops I get max efk, max unicorns, max dragons, the rest of gmb, treefolk and anchorites in this order.

Long post ^^
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