Lords of War and Money - online game

Players online: 3,005

World of LordsWM online game


LordsWM is a non- commercial project, it is a free online service from gamers, for gamers. Every player is able to improve this free online game.


07.20  Pirate Raids!

One of the golden unspoken rules of the Empire suggests that engaging in one unnecessary battle is better than slacking off and giving a potential enemy the hope of an opportunity, which could turn into a whole bunch of fights. Seeing the mystic pirate ship dashing past... Details

07.17  The Witch is defeated!

Several times almost getting caught in a naval skirmish with the coastal guards who were too zealously patrolling the imperial waters, the seized pirate ship boarded by the imperial troops managed to reach the port of Harbour City. If anywhere was possible to find a... Details

07.16  Special July Offer!

Dear Lords and Ladies! We are pleased to announce the start of our Special July Offer! From now on and up until July 23rd, 2024 inclusive, with each diamonds purchase you will get additionally +10% of diamonds. What’s... Details

2008 - 2024   Online games LordsWM