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#7227 Steel Dragons

 [Military clan] [00:00 - 17:00]
 2 heroes, battle glory: 700

 » Leader: Lord Vonemar

 » Clan page: http://steeldragons.forumcommunity.net/
 » Log

It all started when I died… A powerful mage touched me and turned to dust instantaneously. All matter became confused within my mind and I drifted into thoughts, wondering why I was still able to think, why I still smelt the fresh blood of vanquished foes and still felt the wounds upon my body. My mind then faded, away, and I became nothing.

I don’t know how long passed but I awoke two months ago to a raging battle upon an emerald plain. A strange mage introducing himself as Thanelos said he had raised me because he needed my help. Raul Vonemar, had been raised from his eternal slumber to live again as an undead warrior. I attacked Thanelos, nearly taking his life, when suddenly I noticed the hundreds of skeletons and zombies standing before us, and but a few, lonely golems interspersed amongst them. I stood up, pointed my fingers to the sky and the legion of undead creatures began to follow my orders. I could not believe it; I had become a necromancer.

The following days, Thanelos helped me to understand where and what I was. I learned that I had left my world to enter this warlike kingdom. And as the days came and went, I started to master the guidance of my undead army.

A month ago, we met an elf, by the name of Alioran. He said he was trying to band together a group of heroes. He said together we could reach summits of power and glory on the battlefields. He was kind and spoke our native tongue, an unusual occurrence in this new world, and we decided to join his army and became part of his clan: Bootland's people.
On the fields of battle and between the members’ of the clan, Thanelos and I soon realized that something connected us together with other lords we had met. Drachenflame, Aramyl, Arden, Miklannar, Aiastice and Akhet, had the same tattoo as we, etched upon our left shoulder. I asked Thanelos if he knew what this sign was meant, asured that his wisdom would have help us understand. I'll never forget what he told me!

“We are the souls of ancient warriors who died in different worlds and different times. We failed our wars, but were put into another to continue what we haven't finished. We have the same blood and the same heart: we are brothers in arms”.
I now lead my brothers. We fight together and we will die together!

Draco Imperat
Omnia Ignitur

11-30-09 17:52: Clan successfully Militarized.

We are a group of close friends, living in Italy. The founders of the clan are a group of friends who played RPG together for almost 10 years. Now we play this beautiful game to maintain contacts between us. This clan is for us, to meet, chat and help each others.

WE ARE RECRUITING! WE ARE SEARCHING 10 MORE CLANMATES (constant update. If the counter is 0 and you are interested, wait or write to Vonemar).

We want to remain clan of friends, but we need 10 more players to realize our big projects.

If you are an active and dedicated player and you want to be part of a very united clan, you can write a pm to Vonemar to join us.

REQUIREMENTS: the only requirements is to be able in speaking italian, because our forum and our chat are written in our country language. You need to speak italian to feel yourself part of our team.

))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))Our Friend Clans((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((

#365 Warriors Guild Wrath
#382 The Kingdom (ambassador: Korzika)
#490 European Foreign Legion

#140 Bootland people
#394 Blade of Honour
#137 German Elitehunters

)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))Clan's services (only for members)((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((


If you want to coomuncate with the clan (not only with one of us) you can create a topic on the following section of our forum:


You'll receive an answer for sure.


We decided to build a fund to provide this type fo service. Every clan's fellow member has to pay 1000 gold for level to get the right to borrow gold from the clan's account.

We asked for a Banking license, but we haven't received it yet. So there is no interest to pay for the loan.

Treasurer: Aramyl


We have chosen drachenflame as our clan's smith. We are going to help him in increasing his smith's skill, in exchange he won't ask more than the gold that it's needed to repair our artifacts.

Smith: drachenflame (80%)


We have chosen three enchanters to provide enchanting service to every clan member. Every enchant it's totally free of charge if you provide the object and the elements. Try to avoid personal enchanting to help official enchanters to rise in their level.

Weapon enchanter: Vonemar (+4x10%)

Armour enchanter: serpav (+2x12%)

Jewel crafter: Thanelos (+3x14%)


Nature Magic________________Windflower + Tiger's Claw
Earth Magic_________________Meteorite Shard + Tiger's Claw
Air Magic___________________Meteorite Shard + Windflower
Water Magic________________Ice Crystal + Witch Bloom
Fire Magic__________________Fire Crystal + Abrasive


Reduce opponent's Attack_____Moonstone + Abrasive
Earth Magic Shield___________Meteorite Shard
Air Magic Shield_____________Windflower
Water Magic Shield__________Ice Crystal
Fire Magic Shield____________Fire Crystal


Ignore target's defence_______Moonstone + Abrasive
damage with earth magic______Meteorite Shard + Toadstool
damage with air magic________Windflower + Witch bloom
damage with water magic______Ice Crystal + Viper venom
damage with fire magic________Fire Crystal + Tiger's claw

Enchantent efficiency is not linear: you require a certain number of elements as written below

Elements___Enchantment (*2 for Armour an Jewel except opponent's Attack reduction)

1.Offline Lord Vonemar 12 Sage, Weapon enchanter (4x10%), Forum Admin, ###ACTIVE###   
2.Offline Arden 8 on vacation   
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