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#7361 Lords: Angels Of Death

 53 heroes

 » Leader: Lord Basion2

 » Chronicler: Lady AngelGirl, ljohny, oldkey
 » Herald: Lady AngelGirl, ljohny, oldkey

 » Log

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>THE ANGELS OF DEATH<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

where ever u go, DARKNESS will follow u...We will stand by those who are defeated...
Army will rise to make u from weak to strong warrior..u cant kill the one who is
already dead...so we never lose till the end...we will raise the faith in you also the vision and the strength of real DARKNESS of our clan mates Angels Of Death...DARKNESS is
the only way to take the world on to the right path...The angels of death sign is -Live with DARKNESS in ur Heart-...Let us help u... Let us make u powerful...We are no evil... we are darkest
army to find the truth in u in the battle field what you can make it out from no one to someone...We will stand for u... we will make u Stronger
join us and we will help u,to feel DARKNESS power THE TRUE POWER...And u will feel victory in your hands...

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>MEMBERSHIP FEE FOR JOINING THE CLAN<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
*joining to #361 clan ANGELS OF DEATH cost 2000 for invite!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>OFERS FROM MATES<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Glion-Master hunter eqip for 2000Gold /per battle\
1)U can earn more money if u reffering more clan members...
invitation fee costs 2000 gold and u ask it for person who want to join..
1000 gold transfer to basion2( clan balance) and 1000 gold u keep:)

There is no need for donates... I put gold in clan and thets all:)

For what is clan money?
*it s for art`s, if u need some arts u can loan it from clan.
*it s for loans, i case u need help for calstle upgrade`s, reourses.
*it s for clan artifakts repayring costs.
*it s for artifakt repayring, clan sponsore 25% repayring if u repayr it to china_blue99.
She is our new clan smither.
*it s for new mates invatation.
*it s for new clan artifakt buying

There is gona spend clan money.

If u have questions pls replay me.

I think that`s it for now.
cheer`s mates
-enchanters -
Oldkey_enchanters for free... just send arts and elements:)
china_blue99 - 90% repairing @ 75% cost
Basion2- 30 % for free:)

1.Offline Lady AngelGirl 8 (LV) (Advisitor) 
2.Offline terorists 6 (LV) 
3.Offline mazinaa6 7 (LV)"HONOR" 
4.Offline oglite4 5 (LV)"HONOR" 
5.Offline george1987 6 (Rumania)"HONOR" 
6.Offline Lord Saptarshi 14 INDIA 
7.Offline Arkapal_11 12 (india) 
8.Offline ACCA13 8 (LV) 
9.Offline Dethlord95 5 (Bosnia) 
10.Offline shinyelf 6 (LV) superman 
11.Offline wengsgege 6 (malaysia) 
12.Offline Lord PALADIN12 5 (LV) 
13.Offline FLAME11 9 (LV)"HONOR" 
14.Offline PlayBoy0 10 (LV)"HONOR" 
15.Offline Lord Yori 5 (Australia) 
16.Offline ljohny 6 (india)(fighter) "HONOR" 
17.Offline jordan1 11 (India)(Recruiter) 
18.Offline theboki 7 (Bosnia) 
19.Offline shinysk8 7 (LV) 
20.Offline EvilSiva 5 (india)(Recruiter)"HONOR" 
21.Offline sivagames 5 (india) 
22.Offline LordSiva 5 (india) 
23.Offline Gaped 5 (india) 
24.Offline Sayan95 5 (india) 
25.Offline jackskull 5 (India) 
26.Offline wiiiii 10 (USA) 
27.Offline krhtikos12 8 (Greece) 
28.Offline Bombatsos174 6 (Greece) 
29.Offline wiser 7 (indonesia) 
30.Offline krutus98_ 7 (Italy) 
31.Offline FIRE6519 7 (malaysia) 
32.Offline amirulz 6 (malaysia) 
33.Offline marmix 7 (greece) 
34.Offline MorgothTurambar 6 (Germany) 
35.Offline p-olivier2424 4  
36.Offline LordOracle 9 (India) 
37.Offline Operan 8 (india) 
38.Offline oldkey 6 (North Pole) enchanters 
39.Offline Lady Amethyst 10 (Latvia) 
40.Offline kressso 6  
41.Offline Lord leny 6  
42.Offline Master_Magician 4  
43.Offline pingjaba6 7  
44.Offline #7279Lord SubZeroo 10 Enchanter 
45.Offline michos 12  
46.Offline peanutbutter 6  
47.Offline Lord Perso 8  
48.Offline demonmans 8  
49.Offline hozefa 6  
50.Offline barbarix 7  
51.Offline Lord Basion2 9 (LV) Leader of clan:) 
52.Offline hunt4food 6  
53.Offline Lord zews93 7  
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