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#7665 Gwydion-Middle Earth Hunters

 7 heroes

 » Leader: Rudra-God

 » Recruiter: kewlviki
 » Chronicler: kewlviki
 » Herald: kewlviki

 » Clan page: http://gwadion-middleearthhunters.webs.com/index.htm
 » Log


In Middle Earth the hunters were the most versatile characters.
they were skilled with many forms of combat, both ranged and melee, they manipulate the natural energies to resist poison and they use their keen senses to travel faster and more efficiently than any one else. If they could lay claim to one form of expertise, it would be with the bow. Hunters are deadly with their bows. Able to let loose a flurry of arrows against their foes, they make excellent "artillery support" and crowd control.
One of the hunters responsibilities is to guide the fellowship quickly towards the path of success and protect clan mates in testing times.
We presented to u the most talented group of hunters cum warriors who are suave killers and courteous to fellow clan mates.... GWYDION MIDDLE EARTH HUNTERS!!!

Clan Requirements

1. Invitation fee: 800 gold till 26 players
2. Combat lvl: 5 and above
3. Be active and would like to participate in clan tournaments
4. follow game rules and no afk.

5.support fellow members and be loyal to the clan
6. multi charactrs not allowed in the clan
7. no illegal transfers allowed.
If you want to join our clan, please contact kewlviki or rudragod or our recruiters.
Positions are limited to 250 clanmates, so join now before it's full.

CLAN Donation Shares

You get five points for donating 100 gold.
•General : 500 points - Clan council
•Lieutenant General : 400 points - Random MG(1) element awarded
•Major General : 350 points - Custom title
•Brigadier : 300 points - Random MG(0) element awarded
•Colonel : 250 points
•Lieutenant Colonel : 200 points - Random hunter artifact awarded
•Major : 150 points
•Captain : 100 points - Random resources awarded
•Lieutenant : 50 points
•Second Lieutenant : 0 points

Donations Are Welcome

1.Offline #7365Rudra-God 9 Emperor Of Hunters(Council) 
2.Offline kewlviki 10 Second Lieutenant 
3.Offline thrillinghero1 10 Second Lieutenant 
4.Offline mewto 12 Second Lieutenant 
5.Offline Lord-Parshuram 5  
6.Offline akaych 6  
7.Offline Lord satyan 5  
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