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All about Elf ( hints, tips, strategies, talents, .etc..)


AuthorAll about Elf ( hints, tips, strategies, talents, .etc..)

Yeah I would never bring a Phantom into PvP. Most Lords or their troops have spells that can destroy a phantom instantly. The only faction that doesn't is Barbarian, but it's not something to test.

I have thought about going with max Uni instead of EFK... but I like using battledance in a tactical aspect. EFK do die faster, but they also do more damage while they are still alive. When going with full Anchorites and Trees one must rely on some sort of fodder. I have won many PvP battles because the opponent waits until the end to deal with Anchorites and Trees. That said, if the opponent focuses on them first I am usually put in a tight spot and I have to really use my EFK wisely.

Most of the reason I have so much intrinsic knowledge is because of hunting. In hunts I phantom as much as possible. The more blockers I have on my bows, the better things tend to go. Of course, having higher Attack or Init would prover to be useful as well... I have just never tried going as Might Elf.


Well, before you have GMB the AI may go for your Sprites before your Elven Bowmen. Unless you are talking about PvP, in which case I would advise against using Sprites. They die far too quickly. It would be different if they had speed 8 or if you had Tactics in your talent set; but that is far too expensive for an Elf :\

Against AI shooters I suggest a full melee recruit with only enough bows to take a hit or two. If you don't recruit enough bows the AI will go for your melee first.


It gets to a point where Rapid wont cut it without any Holy talents. Not to mention, Goblin, Hobo and Skeleton hunts get to be so large that you are forced to deal with them using Sprites, especially if you solo the hunt. The problem here is that they all have 9-10 init and the latter two begin with speed 5. This means that the hit in run tactic becomes more, "hit, run, run, hit, run, run."

And as we all know, Morale and knocking shot screw up Sprites big time. It is best to be prepared for such situations. If your GMB get knocking shot on a stack, start shooting a different one to try and knock them. Save your Wasp Swarms to try and group the enemy stacks again.

All of my Sprite hunts have become far too difficult to try without full arts, and they are still Green or Yellow :\ Part of this is likely the fact that I have a Magic Build, which is not nearly as useful as one would only need to phantom Sprites and GMB for such hunts. Not to mention, most slow hunts are undead or mechanical, which means Wasp Swarm wont even work on them. I suppose my play style is not directly suited for such hunts.

In fact, my ideal hunts tend to be medium speed large creature hunts. Phantoms make for great blocking while GMB and Anch do the majority of damage. Being able to Phantom Trees and cast WS on an Advanced level is also a perk; but it is very contextual.
From my point of view as a might wizard, I find an elf army with efks included to be a whole lot harder to deal with than a full ranged / full uni setup.

Choosing a strong efk build with luck and morale means I (as an elf's opponent) face a powerful threat on two two fronts: ranged from gmb / anchs and melee from efk, with supporting unis and trees. Of course the efk die quickly, but they can cause horrendous damage if they hit the right place and get a morale and luck trigger. The last few times I have been ambushed by elves, I have lost literally half of my entire army before I got to make my first turn. That's no exaggeration.

The downside is that you rely on luck and morale to trigger, without this your efk might get one or two hits in but then they are taken out and there is nothing much in the way of my troops, particularly when I have the evasion spell.

Throwing your unis into a charge (in Pvp) needs to be timed to take retal for efk, or your unicorns will be slaughtered at close range in no time. Unis are best used in smaller numbers as a magic shield for efks and bows and/or as a retal taker. That's just my view, from one who has fought against elves a few times :)
can somebody help me in finding the best
and where should i put primary point
should i use mana
the type of fight i am asking for is duel
plz help

That's how I view the use of Uni most of the time. If not for Aura of Magic Proff, for them being Large Creatures and capable of blocking well. Sometimes I simply use them as fodder or retal taking, but only if my EFK can swoop in afterwords for a dire hit.

Though you tend to play Holy Wiz it seems. Chaos Wizards can generally take out an Elven army no problem. A fully arted Chaos Wiz going in with half defense and half spell power arts could potentially last forever if they have Mana Recovery. Well defended Gargs can withstand many shots from bows, and EFK will only get in a hit or two before getting Lightninged to death. From there, bows will eventually get fried. That's assuming Gargs are the only real problem. Wizards other troops can whittle away at Uni and Trees fairly effectively. Trees are especially useless against a Wiz. Their longevity is severely cut down (no pun intended) by lightning bolts, fire balls, and various other chaotic castings.

This doesn't always apply though, I have won a few duels with Chaos Wizards, though I am inclined to believe it is because of their lack of proper Defensive arts. If they go in with full Mage arts, and if I have Gargs set to FE, I have much better chances of survival. That said, it is still tough.

Then again, as mentioned before, I have a Magic set-up myself. If I'm dueling a Wiz I would have Holy talents... but not much for luck or morale. A Rallied Elf may fare much better, I have never had the chance to test or witness it yet.

Some of those questions are covered in the last page of this thread, but it recap quickly:

Arts, Talents, Recruiting: Always go with Might arts for PvP. At level 10 you will want Rally and Luck. Full EFK, then Uni, then GMB and finally Druids. Sprites are not necessary for PvP, as it is difficult to make good use of them.

Combat Level Points, General Stats, Magic vs. Might: I would suggest putting Combat Level Points into Knowledge, and at least one in Spell Power so that you can make good use of an emergency Rapid. The Mana is only useful for Hunts and Merc quests though. You need it to be able to Phantom, and I highly advocate being able to Phantom. Just remember, that in order to cast Summon Phantom you need at least Basic Nature talent. When you PvP, though, the best you can do is cast a no-talent Rapid or aptly timed Bless. It wont do much, but it's a small boost that may be more worthwhile than a simple Hero attack. Also, Wasp Swarm has a slight ATB knocking effect that may be very useful if done at the right time. It wont always have much effect though with no Nature Magic talents on.

That is the biggest problem with Elf... at lower levels Magic is nearly useless. Level 10 is the point at which it becomes useful for non-PvP battles, but it has almost no value in PvP until level 12 when you can get a decent Holy Build.

Essentially, level 10 is when you must make the choice if you want to be Magic Elf or Might Elf. If you go the Might route, you will almost always be fighting with Rally and Expert Luck... but you will not be able to phantom. Later, level 12 and 13, you can sacrifice a point of Luck for the ability to Phantom maybe a stack or so, just keep in mind that you need 2 points in knowledge for *each* phantom; up until 5 phantoms... at which point you only need 90 mana, not 100. And yes, I utilize 5 phantoms frequently.
And this is why I like Raising...

Nice, ipslne! Actually, raising is useful in PvP as well.

Let me explain myself about using Anchorites + Unicorns instead of EFK's.

Unicorns are as strong as the EFK's, only they don't do battledance and they are slower a bit in initiative. But, if you take the HP for unicorns and the fact that players tend to ignore them because of the general idea that the Unicorns are used either as retaliation takers or as magic protectors, Unicorns will survive in PvP much longer. Also, when your team mate(s) are slow-build (necro, knight...), Unicorns have the advantage of keeping the same pace with the team, while EFK's are more suitable with demon and barbs.

Also, maximizing Anchorites instead of GMB's is based on the same idea: players do not know how dangerous Anchorites are in attack and in resisting in combat. 20 Anchorites in one shot do more damage than 32 GMB's in double shot. And they have the same initiative...

This setup I used and it's not bad. Still, this setup doesn't work in duels as well as maximum EFK's setup. But this setup works much better against Magic opponents.
Light mithril boots, +3 defense, +2% initiative
Heavy mithril boots, +5 defense

I'm having trouble decidingwhich one to wear. So which one do you wear? Is 2% initiative worth the less 2 defense for light mithril boots?
prefer heavy mithril boots
+1 to heavy mithril boots. 2% are too few considering a random of +/- 10% in initiative.
2% ini is better than 1 defense, but not as good as 2 defense
Has anyone tried the following combination for CL 11+ (preferably with DU at level 11): maximize archers (anchorites and gmb's) with the talents avoidance (requires basic defense) + dominion of wrath (requires basic holy magic) + advanced holy magic or basic luck? (39 talent points)

That looks like a nice combination to use the best of the shooting power from elf.
I don't think Advanced Holy Chastise is quite enough of a boon to take the place of Basic or Advanced Luck with Nature Magic. The extra defense is nice, but I can't see them last long enough to really do the job. Considering that Phantom bows already double your fire power...

If you're considering for PvP only, perhaps it would be a nice build. I think the points would be better put into Expert Holy and Dominion of Wrath and uh... well, whichever one gives you mass Evasion and Stoneskin. The latter would give much better defense vs. Ranged (70%) as well as +12 general Defense. That combination makes GMB and Anchorites pretty unstoppable. That's... 35 points? So yeah, there would be a waste of 5 points, and the character would already have to be built to cast... at least 4 sp and 6 knowledge.
Yes, I was thinking of PvP's (excepting duels). The reason for which I considered avoidance was the first turn until the hero turn because that turn is quite crucial in keeping the GMB's alive (especially against the orcs). Still, this build has quite a disadvantage against magic-build opponents since the troops must be grouped. So, I was wondering if it is worth trying this build.
I would say, the worst thing that could happen is that it goes very bad ;) But yeah, it's worth a try. I think someone with a Might build should try, though... Give it a shot and let me know how it goes ;)
Off note --

I'm very pleased that 8 trees can take a hit from 6000+ Skeletons, losing only 6 trees.


88 Defense is awesome.
thx ipsine for ur advices .. :) And for knights, they are generally the best factions also necros .. :)

When they go for defensive knights, hard to kill them even with luck and imagine when they cast evasion, what the elvens can do ? and elves have to balance it with morales I think .. :) and rapid .. :)
Hey, you're not an elf D:<
one question about post 36 battle.
u were casting bless on sprites.does casting bless on sprites work?because it's damage is 2-2.
BoB-SR casted, not ipslne. Well, some times players forget about the Sprites min and max damage.
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