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Which Is The Best Unit For Each Tier?


AuthorWhich Is The Best Unit For Each Tier?
Also what about tier 5 units. Many think liches are weak-
Liches Hydra Archliches Ladons
Attk- 15 15 19 15
Def- 15 12 19 15
damage- 12-17 7-14 17-20 9-14
ini- 10 7 10 125
speed- 3 5 3 5
HP- 50 80 55 7
Abil plague shot polyph.. plague shot six headed attk
no retail caster no retail, regeneration

Lich/arch lich have much better damage and ini than hydras. Only thing hydra shines is HP and no retail. But no retail doesn't make much differ as they have huge hp to take retail. Regenaration is useless for a high HP low ini unit.
Strategic wise, hydras are much more useless. DE has no good shooters and hyda's low ini and speed makes them an easy target for enemy shooters.By the time they reach enemy , other DE troops would be dead.
Very Good Idea.

for vishnus:
ini- 10 7 10 125
125 Initiative and only 7 HP!!!
You mixed it up for Ladons
lol... Sorry
for Jedi-Knight:

What Will You Pick If You Have Unlimited Diamonds?

Unlimited Sex Change


First: LOL ;)
Second: I thought that even if you use diamonds, you can change your character's gender *only once*.
Third: Nice addition the polls.

Fourth: Now what I've always suspected, turns out into certitude. I have the honor of sharing the privilege to be *among* the must hated lords in the realm.
And since there are so many, I have to fight for the trophy. So would you please add in another poll

Who is the most hated wizard?

I just want to see who is that miserable one!...
And since there are so many, I have to fight for the trophy. So would you please add in another poll

Who is the most hated wizard?

I just want to see who is that miserable one!...

Most probably it will be you-
1.Artic incident
2.You are among the most active wizards in forum.So more people will know you and if there are no other wizzy in the poll they know(i am sure there would be many such voters), they might vote for you or don't cast a vote.
Well, I can see why people find wizards annoying (probably cuz we're the best :P) but honestly, dark elves are more annoying for me, because of shrews, liz charge, mino soldiers with double strike, assault, etc.
You really should limit such polls to higher level players being as they have tested majority of the creatures and artifacts.

For example a level 10 or below doesn't know anything about majority of creatures.

Same for racial abilities i looked at results and majority think DE is worst yet for level 15+ it is one of the best.
Well, about the racial abilities, I disagree, because the majority of players are low levels, so a poll should reflect which racial skill is better on low levels.

About the creatures, I sort of agree with you, but not completely, because there are several people on low levels also who know a lot about this game (at the risk of boasting, me included).

Also, I think you should make it more clear in the polls whether you are talking about how good creatures are in relation to the faction they're played in, or just how good they are "standing-alone". For example, people think grem engineers are worse than recruits, which from a "stand-alone" point of view is clearly not true, but may be true when you consider training chambers for a knight.
In diferent question ,I analysis by different criterion too. Such as
- In survival tournament
- In hunt
- In Group battle
- In quest
- Even compare stat too :)

By the way I like the poll about each tpye artifact design. ^0^
One of the functions of the polls is to gather the general feelings and opinions of lords of all combat levels, and not restricted to a certain combat level (can't be done anyway. :p)

Of course, we all know that as we level up, our opinion of some of the poll questions will change. That's why all members can recast their votes at any time, to reflect their ever-changing views and opinions.

Who is the most hated wizard?
Unfortunately, the polls is not intended to pinpoint any specific player(s) for potential abuse and criticism.

As for the question of how 'good/bad' a certain tier unit is. There's no 100% specification that will cover all types of permutations to determining the good/bad of a unit, since views and opinions of players differ so much. So basically, a player can vote whatever reasons they find a certain tier unit the best/worst. :)

But I do find some of the results so far very interesting reading.


Knight's troops have not been voted the best in almost all the categories, from tier 1 to 7, but for some darn reason, so many players think Knights are over-powered. haha.. Weird, ain't it? :)
Knight's troops have not been voted the best in almost all the categories, from tier 1 to 7, but for some darn reason, so many players think Knights are over-powered. haha.. Weird, ain't it? :)

Stand alone, knight's troops are worse . But combined together they are very powerful just like carbon fibre .Also many vote based on quality not quantity.
Yeah, I agree with vishnus, a knight's power comes from the huge number of troops that you get. Personally I voted based on quality, simply because I don't know the recruiting for different factions on higher levels, so knight creatures were almost never on the "best list".
These polls were really fun to vote. I think I got them all. :-) Do I have to be a member of Angels & Demons MC to register to post in the forums?
Personally I voted based on quality

Thats why many DE troops are among the best units and an almost equal % feel DE is one of the best and one of the worst factions.

Well, I can see why people find wizards annoying (probably cuz we're the best :P) but honestly, dark elves are more annoying for me, because of shrews, liz charge, mino soldiers with double strike, assault, etc.
But not as annoying as super HP high defense marathon runner gargs, fixed damage dealer with through shot magis, and random caster genies. Shrews are annoying, but not so dangerous as 90 xbows or 24 elven bow+ stoneskinning druids or a spell casting hero or 36 orcs+ogres .

I think you are happy when facing a DE. You can play offense against DE in min arts due to your mini arts. Magis can take care of almost all shrews, genies against lizzy before they can charge and your hero can support with powerful lightnings. Both magic and offense at the same time. Thats why wizards are so annoying and strong.
I think you are happy when facing a DE.

On this level yes, because of my awesome 11 genies (from 5 on level 8!) which finally give me some decent melee output. I was talking more about higher levels where you get mino soldiers and liz assailants.
Thats why wizards are so annoying and strong.

Weather wizz are annoying... I can't contest that. But I surely have a point against the strong part:

The fact is: 1 faction out of 7 uses magic. That's why you load up to the teeth in steel arts and might talents. Because in 6 out of 7 cases that will be most useful.
It's always your choice to minimize chance of loss. It's not that wizz faction is strong. The thing is you guys are not properly prepared to face magic, but maximize against might opponents.

And since every might player does it, your only chance to have an equal footing with them is to do it too and hope you don't meet magic.

And if you have bad luck and meet a wizz, you start whining that your faction is underpowered or wizards are overpowered.... (or both if you'r a knight...)
Stand alone, knight's troops are worse . But combined together they are very powerful just like carbon fibre .Also many vote based on quality not quantity.

Yeah, I agree with vishnus, a knight's power comes from the huge number of troops that you get. Personally I voted based on quality, simply because I don't know the recruiting for different factions on higher levels, so knight creatures were almost never on the "best list".

Objection, your honor!

This is a myth that needs to be dispelled. * Cast mass Dispersion on whole LWM community*

Let's take a closer look at each tier and their quantity. These are taken at my combat level, 15, but it's more or less true for all other levels.

• Farmer/Recruit - It really doesn't matter how many a knight get for this unit, a knight will never max this unit to bring into battle. And even if we really wanna count quantity, it's much lesser than a the number of Skeleton Bowmen a necro can bring.

I have seen players bring tons of skeleton Bowmen, Spawns, Sprites, Hobs etc. Have you seen anyone of a decent 'high' combat level bring tons of recruits? :p

• Bowman/X-Bows - The tier where a knight get the highest quantity, but unless for some monster quests and hunts, no knight will dream of maxing Xbows for a battle in expense of other tiers. They almost always are the first to be targeted and die in battle.

And the amount of Enchanted Gargoyles, Wolf Raiders some factions can bring are not that far off either. And I'll take 70 Shrews over 100 Xbows anytime.

• Swordsman/Guardian - The unit where most knights would max out for most battles. But almost 70 Apparitions, 60 Cerbs are definitely comparable, if not better, to 100 Guards.

• Griffin/Royal Griffin - Not even a contest here. Almost all the other factions take more tier 4 units than knights can bring Griffins.

Example: At my level, would you prefer 23 Grifs or 27 Vamp Counts? Or equal number of Liz Assailants? No contest.

• Monks/Cleric - Knights get less monks/clerics than genies/senior genies, and not much more than the other tier 5s.

• Cavalry - Knights gets less/equal tier 6 than almost all other factions.

• Angel - Knights have less/equal number of Angels than all other factions' tier 7s(!)

So there we go, myth busted. Contrary to popular belief, Knight do not get more troops than other factions, except for 1 tier. And since I'm comparing at my racial 10, it'll be worse for other knights of lower racial levels.

Conclusion: Knight is a noobie, under-powered faction. :/
[Post deleted by moderator Jedi-Knight // Forums Rules 4.6]
my opinion upgrade,no upgrade,
all creature may appear in player's army now or t the future.
1 tier:best:poisoner/faeries worst:recruit,gremlin
2 tier:best:shrew,rogue worst:incendiaries,zombie
3 tier:best:ranger,elven bowmen worst:modern golem,swordmen
4 tier:best:lizard cavalry,druid worst:ogre magi,ogre
5 tier:best:nightmare,lich worst:thunderbird,genie
6 tier:best:paladin,dark witch worst:raging cyclop,cavalry
7 tier:best:titan/green dragon worst:shadow dragon/skeleton dragon
I think special ability is the point.creatures has its own balance.
high speed one has lower hp,high qulity one has less numbers.
and match it's faction or not.incompatible unit is useless no matter
how perfect it's stuff is.as pit lord can never follow the attacking step
of demon faction.
"as pit lord can never follow the attacking step
of demon faction. "
How did you mean that?
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