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Its That Time of the year again [ Version 3.0]


AuthorIts That Time of the year again [ Version 3.0]
u bought 7200 and sell me 7000?
omg = =||
No marketplace -_-
u are losing gold if u sell me 7000 = =||
are u sure? = =||
Thank you very much :)
I am thinking of again becoming a demon. Need no more fsp as it is getting boring without playing map battles and defenses. Adios barb faction
nobody here?
im there... but good night :D
4 hours left for.me to sleep. #India
Wassup ppl
Uttar Pradesh :P
Yo guys...
yo bum
Ohh its very late need to sleep...
late, how is it late?
Gn guys..
Didn't flood Much again.. :(
Got Scroll of energy xD
For me its late since I got to get up by 5:15 in morning.. -_-'
where in UP?
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