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Open letter to Empress


AuthorOpen letter to Empress
Enchanted artifacts, but enchanters guild is still at 0 and nothing in his transferlog.....

NOW do you know why we need to overthrow the Court. It's corrupted to the core !!

Down with the corrupt Imperial Court, freedom to the Herald, and power to the people !
Councilor Feurlis [14] [Necromancer] 30 s. 3-15 Thou shalt not pass! #181Maia [15] [Demon]

What kind of coward are you Feurlis, one of our lords wants to fight you on a duel and you refuse, hiding behind your walls ?
Lets keep it cool......war is never beneficial to both sides

Dear high and mighty empress,

Although many of us wants force to tear down the empire, but there is also some of us who advocate negotiation. Perhaps we can settle this without any bloodshed :)

+1 to negotiation

[Anyone believe in peace.....join me]
With all the wide range of opinions I feel forced to make an announcement to the so called "Rebellion".

My word is authoritative and final, those who dare to oppose it will face serious consequences. However all I have heard in the last few days was twaddle and bravado!
*cough cough* *pant*

Are you really the Lords, the ones who swore allegiance to the Crown? To MY Crown!? I feel sick of your empty talk more than of the malady I am befallen by!

I offer you to end this disgrace and save the remains of your honour by putting an end to this rebellion and accepting the fact of what has happened.

The Detention Block where Lord Arctic is imprisoned is guarded by Councilor Feurlis. He has been ordered to guard the Block at all cost. You will inevitably fail in your attempt to battle the Herald out of his just imprisonment. Feurlis' armies shall tear apart anyone who dares to approach the Detention block while wielding weapons.

We fight for cure - agains venomancers, we fight for you and for our kingdom agains every threat. But you betrayed us when you arrested Arctic. It is not our mistake, we dont loose honor. We fight for TRUE and JUSTICE, for FREEDOM. We fight to restore our honor. If you think that is it honor when you fight for empress which arrested herald for small mmistake, when they are true criminals behind every corner.
I swore no oath of loyalty to the empress. I am bound only by my honor and my judgment. It is my judgment that she has erred greatly in arresting arctic and that this needs to be corrected, by force if necessary.
I, too, havent swore any oath of loyalty to the Empress, Ive did thot to Warriors Guild Leader, and we always do the Right thing, which is against the Empress in this case.
then let us not do mercenaries quest XD for that quest only helps the Empire!
#206: Thank you my Empress, for gracing us with your presence. This Personal appearance I so dearly longed for makes a lot clear to me. May I be so bold to ask Her Highness why You are carrying the weaponry wielded by the Venomancers' Unholy Knights?!? Being of the knight faction, did You become Unholy Thyself? My Empress, You mentioned yourself that You are still befallen by the Malady during your last speech. Could this have affected Your judgement? Please consider this slight possibility. Is it a coincidence Fleurlis is stationed at Verdant Dell, the location of the Venomancer Lair? My Queen, think! Please! Get past the games played with your mind by the Venomancers! Frankly, My Fair Lady, You didn't even remotely sound like the Gracious Being I pledged Alliance to once while speaking during Your last public appearance. Arctic is not the only one that needs freeing I fear. My Empress, be strong and free your mind from this Venomancer Malady. Intentions to wage war against You, I do no longer have, but I sincerely wonder what spurred the Harsh decision to imprison Arctic.

Lord Bilir! My Faction Leader, my Master, please inform us about the advances made in the Academy of Magic. No more secrecy! Did or did you not succeed in producing a cure for Her Majesty?!
#225 and #226: Actually, you did (while making your account and talking to the Gatekeeper)
@ Joltar

Seems to me you are for peace not war :)
Ive never swore alligeance to a possessed Empresss, Joltar.
When the Empress will be in her rightful mind, my alligeance she shall get back.
This is to everyone, ESPECIALLY ADMINS:

Look at post #197. The letter was from MulticharSigned, and on his page of personal info he has stated:

I have a Multichar.
It is Signed.

That of corse would make everyone doubtful about something, the fast he has used capital letters in this not that much important words. I immediatly occured it was a significant thing, and I recently descovered that this account existed and was actually SIGNED on him profile. Takes a sharp mind to understand that, which you Admins don't seem to have.
for DarknessDoom:

Please stay Roleplaying !
#230: Swinging of swords is too savage for my taste, yes. So I rather explore other options first. I will not hold back when none are left though. Magic is such a nice last resort to have...

#231: Agreed, but I do not think the Empress is the enemy here. She actually might need our help, and not our opposition, more than ever, in order to get Arctic freed. Thought of that before? After all, if we want to Destroy the Empire: Easy. We just all stop playing the game and She will die a slow, lonely and gruesome death for sure. But let's be honest here; we do not want that either, do we?

A good strategist first tries to get as much information as possible before getting involved in combat. You need to know who your enemies are...

Negotiation and reason is the (first) way to go!

Kudos to you :)
for Joltar:

Ive never been a good strategist, but for the survivability, I should say Im the best, Ill use my knowledge of my own to find a way to free Arctic, no need for knowing my enemies when I know I can do it and count on my loyal friends.
The Detention Block where Lord Arctic is imprisoned is guarded by Councilor Feurlis. He has been ordered to guard the Block at all cost. You will inevitably fail in your attempt to battle the Herald out of his just imprisonment.

Bound to fail? Revolutions make blood shed. Would it be mine, it would be of no importance, if it could ease the way for my brothers in arms. It would even be an honor to fight to the end for such a noble cause - much more noble than "her" so called higness.

Like it or not, your "muscle man", is boasting about his countless victories, but no one as ever been able to pledge for his heroic deeds. Not even when WE were striving against the hordes of Venomancers to cure YOU. We can't even state that he has any common sense of tactical skills!

Has he? Then, why would you (or him!), refuse our challenges? Could it be because we are awakening what every undead has long forgotten - fear - in your Councilor's heart?

My duty is to defend the Imperial Detention Block from any living and undead being that might try to sneak in.

*Sends his golems and gargoyles into the Detention Block*
Fellow Alliance warriors,


If Councilor Feurlis fights like he plays cards, then we really have nothing to worry about.. Victory is assured! :D
#236: Can't argue with that, Lord Necromancer... how possibly can you not survive when already dead? However, in the interest of saving not only you, the best in survivability, but also the less fortunate survival-wise, rather not rush into combats you might come to regret afterwards. Finding a way in the manner you wish to employ will involve mistakes. You will learn from them, of course, likely still brining you closer to our goal, but still. Mistakes are dangerous. You are free to continue the path you chose, but I once more ask to call upon reason. How would you feel if amidst all the turmoil, Arctic dies in combat (for example by a collapsing the prison roof or because the Councillors in panic of our attack decide it is the only leverage they have left). I personally do not even want to think about the regret and remorse I'd feel...
I do think the overconfidence of the Councilor is his greatest weakness. And for the he will never go to this last resort of killing Arctic. Although, you are right about an accident can come up and kill Arctic, thats why Ive send a message to my friend KiisuKat which sent her Stalkers to rescue Arctic at the moment, their natural invisibility cannot be taken away by magic, only their will can make themselves visible. Thus this requires them a huge concentration and cannot hold it forever.
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