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Its That Time of the year again [ Version 3.0]


AuthorIts That Time of the year again [ Version 3.0]
well, i decided do not involve/give any load in future :/
*takes popcorn and starts to read*

Do you think that the chars that get you penalized are mouse's?
Those additional accounts are not The One Ring's, and beside Sauron is a detective not a conspirator.
for Lord spiral-doom:
just a game.. is this needed?

This game make me know more about indian culture.
they are very difference compare to india living at my country and singapore.
May be i am wrong, but hmm..
Do you think that the chars that get you penalized are mouse's?
Not at all.
But he is a bad detective after all
for ElfMoon:
for Usbeorn:
I mean i dont really care about people framing me cuz i dont care about them either way :P
And PE blaming without any idea
Just saying my characters because I have done this before lol One more mad typo detective
Anyways its people's choice what they make out of their mind Its their rubbish mind
No one here did blame me because everyone knows from transfer log and penalty imposed that Even admins have checked IP was not same But this girl does not understands
for Optimus Prime:
dont let it get to you..
for Optimus Prime:
From my view. you lost what you get free. the penalty are fair.
for Lord spiral-doom:
you done perfect :)
let's enjoy the game :D

From my view. you lost what you get free. the penalty are fair.

I have answered to same lot of times
Anyways leave the topic xD
oo.. this page number is my year of birth :)
OMG Xaelar has 100% loss
But this girl does not understands
This girl understands... but...
thre is few things...
Lets say ye, thre is diferent IP.. ok fain u got penalty as much u got in gifts from some "misterios" guy. But, then, why did u accept them? those gifts?
U shud be here saying not about the penalty or who belive u or who not.. but, u must say "why the H*ll i accepted those gifts? " U shud regret thet, if that was settup from some one..
but noo, u say why i got penalty after all, cosue all was under law of game. (thats what u think)
Witch is suspicious as well.
U just was takin those gifts and didnt feel a crap about it...
In Tavern :P
U just was takin those gifts and didnt feel a crap about it.
Lol They all were my friends and all of them had written main character ?
Why I feel bad getting gifts and loan from friends under limit
Lol They all were my friends and all of them had written main character ?
And where are they now?
Good frend u have, they gife once again all golds convert to gift, to u, and stays them selfs broke. I want that frends too thou.
Every one Be my frend, send All gold to me, conver to gift, its legal u kno!!
Why I feel bad getting gifts and loan from friends under limit
Ye, i bet u feel good now... all alone with the penalty from ya frends. :)
Good Bye my TGI Character :)
A new start would be indeed good forever
A new start would be indeed good forever
Or better get this mess clear, get out of negative, and learn from mistakes?
Or give up, get new char, make it allalower again, with same crap?

im cud be up for 1st option... learn from mistakes.
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