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Its That Time of the year again [ Version 3.0]


AuthorIts That Time of the year again [ Version 3.0]
learn from mistakes
You will never understand.. It was never my mistake and I will never accept it
I have got in more that this penalty kind of 4 times than this penalty and got out but I am bored of such a character
A new start is good
If u are bored from it ...
But TGI?
Its a value...

Besides, if u make new char, u cud do it under my reference :P
Got that luckily no hardwork so no value xD
[Post deleted by moderator Lord STB // Insults]
Player banned by moderator ElfPride until 2015-06-14 08:02:09 // FR#2.2+FR#4.4+FR#4.6+GR#3.3 (relapse)
Besides, if u make new char, u cud do it under my reference :P
You share bonuses with me ? :P
how much % :D
I got 3 offers
I accepted the first one :P
No hard feeling for others (ofc have for mouse) :P
Just had to choose one
Sorry PE
Wow missed on a lot :p
Including the event :(
Wow missed on a lot :p
Including the event :(

Almost everytime its me
Just feeling bad for one thing
My clan If it Would have been formed once :/
Funny thing = Yesterday I was 465k
Now I am -79k

All of gold some in QT some in repaying loan Some on loaning more to people all gone
You will never understand.. It was never my mistake and I will never accept it.

if you can't accept this, you will repeat it again.

someone rob the bank and some money they rob drop, you pick it and keep it. It's legal? After sometime, police found prove you took those illegal money and want you return to owner, is this right? Police have the right to charge you under some laws?

Easy come easy go :)
Thumbs up for Elfmoon
This game make me know more about indian culture.
they are very difference compare to india living at my country and singapore.
May be i am wrong, but hmm..

Grrr!!! don't think all Indians are crooks, lairs and cheaters
i was seen many comments of OP in past, when ever he get caught by admin he said confidently abut " it is not my char please check IP"

so my question is do a person can have an alt which its ip never share with his other accounts? there are many ways if you have some patients. being an IT person i know it is very easy.
you can create an alt via phone with some sim card always login from it with that account only. in India youngster have minimum 2 or more smart phone.

if you are living in a town with many cyber cafe, go one cafe create an account, always login that account from there. go to other cafe create other..
{i think admin check IP and MAC address(unique id for LAN card or phone ) not sure if yes then one cyber cafe is enough for manipulating many multi account, each PC can have different MAC IP and IP }


finally i am not accusing anyone but trying to prove that if two different ip account means not always true that it is two different player
it is not my char please check IP
Last time I caught I said they are my friends check IP is same
You do not know anything -_-
They are not my chars everyone knows that
I swear they are not mine
But people like you just want to prove someone wrong
There was no mess here but you want to start it again
I went for BOW what more you want ?

not accusing anyone
Really saying all that and just adding this -_-
for Edwin:
not really that was a couple of pages back :P
I was talking about the flooders:) Most of us were born in 1997:)

Optimus Prime
Lord spiral-doom

And I missed to post on it:(

for ElfMoon:
India is the best country and not at all are all persons here like both of them who have to quarrel with their own countrymen. I don't would they even standby each other if one of them had a quarrel with some other country's fellow. Although I agree that there are many cheaters in India, be it for high level people or low level.
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