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2009 messages


Author2009 messages
see *hug's diversecity*
nice 500 post steal nice *austin hugs diversecity gets shocked and his eyes burning from spray and veteran and diversecity laugh*
I MISSED 500 BY 1................................................................
woo i got #300,400 and 500 posts lol
veteran fast put on the new suit b4 he hugs u D:
i have a anti hug suit hug
*brings out his tazer and grins at austin*
made new suit impervious to anti hug suit hug hahahah veteran u get one put it on
*hug's veteran* i can't be hurt by tazer muhahahahaha
*throws austin aside before he can hug veteran*
told u to put on suit ;(
me leave :(
:p the trick is to throw him away before he can hug you
*th12 walks by cuz he does have a clue whats happening*
new one with anti austin force field keeping out his dna and delivering a painfull shock *diversecity and veteran put them on, grin at austin*
i'm back with super laser *melt's suit's hug's them both*
guyz its time for.......RANDOM MADNESS!!!!!!!

awoooo howl!!!!hissss and so on
my force field is immune to lasers hahaha
hrrrrmmm i think this is kinda dumb talking about anti hug suits..... and awoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo howling and hisses and so on
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