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(NEWS) Valentine's Day


Author(NEWS) Valentine's Day
Magic demons seems much easier than might ones. At least for an elf...
I think it increase difficultly If we win = =;
boah... early-triggering hellfire on demons' ranged units is really, really mean.
this day is the day when i proposed my love t my lover
I prefer fighting might demons to magic demons. I really hate their hellfire + searing flame talents.

Also, seems like they have level 8 racial skill in all factions. At least for level 11s.
If there is any lonely female character looking for love, pls send me ur valentines cards. I got some for u in return.
I think it increase difficultly If we win = =;

yeah.for me too

their numbers are increasing
There are so little female characters xD
Send it to Empire, at least thats what I did ;)
huh i love this this gives good exp and fsp
The strength increase pretty fast..
Thank you Sven from all your female friends :P
Why not to Alyna then? ;)
One more way of leaching gold.....
Got my 666th defeat while fighting demons....Stupid event
Why not to Alyna then? ;)
because I only got one card and i dont know Alyna at all, so why send her a card?
because I only got one card and i dont know Alyna at all, so why send her a card?

As if you know Empire well :-P
Stupid event

And who forces you to take part?
for Nutella:

what else to do ? all red hunts,stupid MGs useless PvP boring cards now what left ?
Great event for low levels :) High levels better lose in min AP.
Anyone want valentine card? :)
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