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AuthorIts That Time of the year again [ Version 3.0]
I will join some clan ! :P
Which has good depo. ! :)
I dont want clan defenses for now :P
Will see later
But i am so low on funds :\
[Post deleted by moderator MrBattleControl // Don't advertise your clan here please]
I know ! :P
But it does not have that much good arts ! :) :P
i will join some other
EFL was the first MC i ever joined in this game ;)
Ohh god again a red post
Don't post about ur clans ....
It's not allowed -.-
Oo ..
someone got a new MC :P
Does anyone noticed, the population of gamer slowly going down?
We used to hsve about 10k+ online player during peak hour, but recently around 8k++ only.
well, OP wont be accepted by most English MC
He was kicked by patrikou out of EFL
Kicked out A&D BY JEDI
Not accepted into EW.. i think so but not sure

Thats why he goes with Russian MC like anykey, some other new english MC and now this clan
haha .
that would be embarrassing :P
Mouse O.O
M afraid of u @.@
He was kicked by patrikou out of EFL
Kicked out A&D BY JEDI
Not accepted into EW..

Fortunately ! :)
You can ask each leader ! :)
I can join anyone of them ! :)
You can ask each leader ! :)
who cares?
Just for anony :P
status: You've taught a lesson to these pitiful creatures, and they won't forget it soon. Here's your reward.

You receive 68 gold, Viper venom

are they all out of moonstones :(
At least u get element :)
But sometimes its really irritating...
Woot !!
Some people just wont stop roulette -.-
Those who say dont play.. play it !
An other roulette addict? >. <
One guy had a big win days ago
and he said he would stop roulette
but he started again ! :\
and will lose all :(
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