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Chests of abundance


   2021-03-22 15:34:35:  Lunatic [17] has discovered Apprentice necromancer hood [100/100]

   2021-03-22 13:29:50:  _-КиРа-_ [14] has discovered Tribal aegis [100/100]

   2021-03-20 22:42:03:  Dimonikk2010 [17] has discovered Mage disciple Scroll [100/100]

   2021-03-20 19:50:12:  _Maria_ [5] has discovered Paladin sword [100/100]

   2021-03-20 12:07:19:  Демон_Гена [21] has discovered Warrior elf shield [100/100]

   2021-03-20 12:07:03:  Демон_Гена [21] has discovered Druid robe [100/100]

   2021-03-19 17:36:29:  111джон111 [22] has discovered Demonic soldier shin-plates [100/100]

   2021-03-19 11:22:57:  Uchiha Itachi [7] has discovered Dwarf craftsman helmet [100/100]

   2021-03-19 09:10:08:  _Макс [9] has discovered Barbarian warrior club [100/100]

   2021-03-18 14:47:27:  macentoshi1 [21] has discovered Tribal aegis [100/100]

   2021-03-18 12:46:46:  edz [15] has discovered Amphibian garment [100/100]

   2021-03-18 10:23:23:  _Леди_Осень_ [23] has discovered Imperial helmet [80/80]

   2021-03-18 09:32:15:  JoKeR2503 [20] has discovered Mercenary dagger [100/100]

   2021-03-18 08:15:55:  ThoR [21] has discovered Dwarf warrior hammer [100/100]

   2021-03-18 07:05:44:  9WR [20] has discovered Amphibian greaves [100/100]

   2021-03-18 05:29:02:  BlackSanta [14] has discovered Druid charm [100/100]

   2021-03-18 00:17:19:  Prdelovic [12] has discovered Amphibian greaves [100/100]

   2021-03-18 00:14:10:  Crap_Devil [15] has discovered Elven scout shirt [100/100]

   2021-03-17 22:44:27:  Maks80x [16] has discovered Mercenary boots [100/100]

   2021-03-17 20:19:05:  MadXamLo [16] has discovered Mage instructor overshoes [100/100]

   2021-03-17 17:06:18:  ArtLive [16] has discovered Templar platemail [100/100]

   2021-03-15 23:04:21:  абакшонок1 [21] has discovered Imperial dagger [80/80]

   2021-03-15 20:59:23:  johndu1 [20] has discovered Dwarf craftsman amulet [100/100]

   2021-03-15 15:41:09:  филёнок-кэт [19] has discovered Warrior elf carapace [100/100]

   2021-03-15 13:33:40:  Groflokish3 [17] has discovered Barbarian warrior club [100/100]

   2021-03-15 04:55:57:  Romaxin [14] has discovered Templar crest [100/100]

   2021-03-14 20:59:00:  Summuel73 [10] has discovered Amphibian garment [100/100]

   2021-03-12 18:11:06:  Esra [13] has discovered Elven scout amulet [100/100]

   2021-03-12 11:45:41:  тольятти-рулит [16] has discovered Warrior elf shield [100/100]

   2021-03-11 19:50:09:  юпитер [15] has discovered Dwarf craftsman amulet [100/100]


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