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Chests of abundance


   2020-03-04 03:22:35:  Òèãðèöà [16] has discovered Demonic soldier armor [100/100]

   2020-03-04 01:36:10:  Angel99 [17] has discovered Inquisitor helm [100/100]

   2020-03-04 01:30:25:  Angel99 [16] has discovered Apprentice necromancer hood [100/100]

   2020-03-04 01:28:03:  Angel99 [16] has discovered Militant helmet [100/100]

   2020-03-04 01:20:59:  Angel99 [16] has discovered Elven scout bow [100/100]

   2020-03-04 01:16:16:  Angel99 [16] has discovered Tribal aegis [100/100]

   2020-03-04 01:13:10:  Angel99 [16] has discovered Servant of Darkness pendant [100/100]

   2020-03-04 01:08:16:  Angel99 [16] has discovered Amphibian garment [100/100]

   2020-03-04 00:57:35:  Doctor_Strange [16] has discovered Demonic soldier helmet [100/100]

   2020-03-04 00:38:57:  Angel99 [15] has discovered Druid boots [100/100]

   2020-03-04 00:28:37:  Angel99 [15] has discovered Militant shield [100/100]

   2020-03-04 00:06:25:  Edwin [19] has discovered Dwarf warrior boots [100/100]

   2020-03-04 00:03:01:  Angel99 [14] has discovered Dwarf craftsman armour [100/100]

   2020-03-03 23:51:39:  Angel99 [14] has discovered Warrior elf helmet [100/100]

   2020-03-03 23:50:47:  Angel99 [14] has discovered Demonic soldier shield [100/100]

   2020-03-03 23:43:25:  Angel99 [14] has discovered Elven scout amulet [100/100]

   2020-03-03 22:39:25:  Angel99 [13] has discovered Dwarf craftsman footguards [100/100]

   2020-03-03 22:28:25:  Angel99 [13] has discovered Mage disciple staff [100/100]

   2020-03-03 21:48:59:  Warman [18] has discovered Amphibian spellscroll [100/100]

   2020-03-03 21:24:11:  gunses [21] has discovered Militant sword [100/100]

   2020-03-03 21:20:17:  Angel99 [13] has discovered Warrior elf scimitar [100/100]

   2020-03-03 21:08:46:  w1ldw0lf [4] has discovered Warrior elf helmet [100/100]

   2020-03-03 20:57:35:  Angel99 [13] has discovered Servant of Darkness crown [100/100]

   2020-03-03 20:16:45:  rifmopljot2 [14] has discovered Tribal stompers [100/100]

   2020-03-03 19:05:38:  sapad [21] has discovered Demonic soldier amulet [100/100]

   2020-03-03 14:36:26:  stm793 [18] has discovered Dwarf craftsman amulet [100/100]

   2020-03-03 14:32:04:  ÇÓÁÐ150 [18] has discovered Demonic soldier shin-plates [100/100]

   2020-03-03 12:47:37:  Slingar [17] has discovered Mage disciple hat [100/100]

   2020-03-03 12:23:13:  sapad [21] has discovered Mercenary dagger [100/100]

   2020-03-03 12:02:29:  Sarnydeath [21] has discovered Demonic soldier helmet [100/100]


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