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Chests of abundance


   2024-05-04 20:17:01:  Gelikopter [19] has discovered Servant of Darkness cloak [100/100]

   2024-05-04 11:50:06:  добрая1 [19] has discovered Magma cloak [80/80]

   2024-05-04 11:45:10:  Kesanan [17] has discovered Dwarf craftsman hammer [100/100]

   2024-05-04 00:06:50:  MoHoJIuT [22] has discovered Magma sword [80/80]

   2024-05-03 21:36:05:  nikitka2807 [13] has discovered Militant armour [100/100]

   2024-05-03 19:52:54:  _Марик_ [17] has discovered Warrior elf helmet [100/100]

   2024-05-03 18:02:24:  Morelia10 [12] has discovered Magma pendant [80/80]

   2024-05-03 18:01:35:  SVOBODA36 [18] has discovered Dwarf craftsman targe [100/100]

   2024-05-03 16:29:39:  Винисуиус [16] has discovered Heaven cloak [80/80]

   2024-05-03 14:19:24:  1lungu1 [15] has discovered Amphibian cloak [100/100]

   2024-05-03 12:19:59:  Ертостик [16] has discovered Mercenary boots [100/100]

   2024-05-03 12:09:24:  вампирскийДОК [19] has discovered Magma helmet [80/80]

   2024-05-03 07:47:06:  Сфинкс [19] has discovered Templar bulwark [100/100]

   2024-05-02 18:28:00:  Николя Терентьев [15] has discovered Elven scout shirt [100/100]

   2024-05-02 11:40:22:  топтыжище [21] has discovered Dwarf craftsman helmet [100/100]

   2024-05-02 10:04:51:  Сид [20] has discovered Dark cloak [80/80]

   2024-05-02 07:18:21:  Дядяубийца [13] has discovered Militant helmet [100/100]

   2024-05-02 01:51:57:  Bube [19] has discovered Apprentice necromancer hood [100/100]

   2024-05-01 21:42:31:  серж1982 [12] has discovered Paladin sabatons [100/100]

   2024-05-01 21:23:15:  Grafeagle1 [19] has discovered Paladin shield [100/100]

   2024-05-01 19:33:06:  РыСёНоК26 [21] has discovered Heaven bow [80/80]

   2024-05-01 19:25:15:  Demon77 [20] has discovered Amphibian cloak [100/100]

   2024-05-01 19:24:20:  Паблоид55 [16] has discovered Elven scout bow [100/100]

   2024-05-01 18:35:39:  Мерлин_Великий [24] has discovered Militant shield [100/100]

   2024-05-01 18:33:09:  Kerion [17] has discovered Demonic soldier shin-plates [100/100]

   2024-05-01 07:10:25:  Gande [17] has discovered Warrior elf shield [100/100]

   2024-04-29 23:27:42:  old433 [23] has discovered Barbarian warrior helmet [100/100]

   2024-04-29 23:10:50:  ВоЗбуЖденнЫй [18] has discovered Magma sword [80/80]

   2024-04-28 06:42:43:  _Фридрих [16] has discovered Magma helmet [80/80]

   2024-04-28 01:30:56:  _Фридрих [16] has discovered Magma arbalest [80/80]


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