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Summary of subdistricts lost/captured by military clans (refresh):Back 

2023-12-04 16:22: Control over Titans' Valley-N4 with #176 Jewellery of wardance was lost by clan #11532 #11532 Greshniki. (Summary #1519)
2023-12-04 05:00: #73 #73 Орден Джедаев has seized control over Portal Ruins-S1 with facility #118 Blacksmith of rebirth. (Summary)
2023-12-04 03:00: #9595 #9595 Immortal Dynasty has seized control over Tiger Lake-S3 with facility #280 Nickel works. (Summary)
2023-12-04 03:00: #1787 #1787 Scorpion has seized control over Bear Mountain-S2 with facility #271 Jewellery of wardance. (Summary)
2023-12-04 03:00: #11532 #11532 Greshniki has seized control over Ungovernable Steppe-E2 with facility #370 Obsidian occurrence. (Summary)
2023-12-04 02:00: #10877 #10877 Warsong Outriders has seized control over Green Wood-W1 with facility #264 Forge of glory. (Summary)
2023-12-04 00:00: #73 #73 Орден Джедаев has seized control over Portal Ruins-S2 with facility #217 Ruby gladius blacksmith. (Summary)
2023-12-03 23:00: #2230 #2230 Агенты Хаоса has seized control over Harbour City-W2 with facility #315 Smeltery. (Summary)
2023-12-03 23:00: #10877 #10877 Warsong Outriders has seized control over Ungovernable Steppe-W3 with facility #379 Obsidian boots plant. (Summary)
2023-12-03 22:42: Control over Portal Ruins-S1 with #118 Blacksmith of rebirth was lost by clan #11794 #11794 < Убийцы Кардиналов >. (Summary #73)
2023-12-03 20:42: Control over Tiger Lake-S3 with #280 Nickel works was lost by clan #10877 #10877 Warsong Outriders. (Summary #1519)
2023-12-03 20:35: Control over Bear Mountain-S2 with #271 Jewellery of wardance was lost by clan #11794 #11794 < Убийцы Кардиналов >. (Summary #1787)
2023-12-03 20:06: Control over Ungovernable Steppe-E2 with #370 Obsidian occurrence was lost by clan #12234 #12234 Санаторий Виктория. (Summary #11532)
2023-12-03 19:44: Control over Green Wood-W1 with #264 Forge of glory was lost by clan #5722 #5722 Галерея Теней. (Summary #11532)
2023-12-03 17:09: Control over Portal Ruins-S2 with #217 Ruby gladius blacksmith was lost by clan #10877 #10877 Warsong Outriders. (Summary #1519)
2023-12-03 16:16: Control over Harbour City-W2 with #315 Smeltery was lost by clan #10877 #10877 Warsong Outriders. (Summary #1519)
2023-12-03 16:02: Control over Ungovernable Steppe-W3 with #379 Obsidian boots plant was lost by clan #5722 #5722 Галерея Теней. (Summary #11532)
2023-12-03 03:00: #10877 #10877 Warsong Outriders has seized control over Tiger Lake-S3 with facility #280 Nickel works. (Summary)
2023-12-03 03:00: #407 #407 Asgard has seized control over East River-S4 with facility #300 Sawmill. (Summary)
2023-12-03 03:00: #387 #387 Дворец в Империи has seized control over Harbour City-E4 with facility #131 Gem mine. (Summary)
2023-12-03 02:00: #63 #63 Desperados has seized control over Dragons' Caves-N3 with facility #172 Galoshes workshop. (Summary)
2023-12-03 01:00: #10877 #10877 Warsong Outriders has seized control over Portal Ruins-S2 with facility #217 Ruby gladius blacksmith. (Summary)
2023-12-03 01:00: #10886 #10886 Гиперборея 1685 has seized control over Kingdom Castle-S1 with facility #180 Flame boots plant. (Summary)
2023-12-03 00:00: #1787 #1787 Scorpion has seized control over Bear Mountain-S4 with facility #125 Gem mine. (Summary)
2023-12-03 00:00: #493 #493 Говорящие с Ветром has seized control over Shining Spring-N3 with facility #112 Ring of fiery gaze. (Summary)
2023-12-03 00:00: #10877 #10877 Warsong Outriders has seized control over Portal Ruins-S4 with facility #92 Crystal cavern. (Summary)
2023-12-02 22:00: #2304 #2304 IV legion of Elfius has seized control over Dragons' Caves-W2 with facility #351 Ring of fiery gaze. (Summary)
2023-12-02 22:00: #10877 #10877 Warsong Outriders has seized control over Harbour City-W2 with facility #315 Smeltery. (Summary)
2023-12-02 21:00: #11794 #11794 < Убийцы Кардиналов > has seized control over Portal Ruins-S1 with facility #118 Blacksmith of rebirth. (Summary)
2023-12-02 21:00: #1519 #1519 Украина has seized control over The Wilderness-E1 with facility #399 Obsidian armour plant. (Summary)
2023-12-02 21:00: #11532 #11532 Greshniki has seized control over Titans' Valley-N4 with facility #176 Jewellery of wardance. (Summary)
2023-12-02 20:33: Control over Tiger Lake-S3 with #280 Nickel works was lost by clan #1271 #1271 Братство Героев. (Summary #928)
2023-12-02 20:33: Control over East River-S4 with #300 Sawmill was lost by clan #1519 #1519 Украина. (Summary #407,#823)
2023-12-02 20:03: Control over Harbour City-E4 with #131 Gem mine was lost by clan #9595 #9595 Immortal Dynasty. (Summary #1209,#1519)
2023-12-02 19:11: Control over Dragons' Caves-N3 with #172 Galoshes workshop was lost by clan #10877 #10877 Warsong Outriders. (Summary #1519)
2023-12-02 18:52: Control over Portal Ruins-S2 with #217 Ruby gladius blacksmith was lost by clan #73 #73 Орден Джедаев. (Summary #11532)
2023-12-02 18:11: Control over Kingdom Castle-S1 with #180 Flame boots plant was lost by clan #10877 #10877 Warsong Outriders. (Summary #1519)
2023-12-02 18:00: #10886 #10886 Гиперборея 1685 has seized control over Kingdom Castle-S2 with facility #362 Maskrobe manufactory. (Summary)
2023-12-02 18:00: #2303 #2303 III legion of Elfius has seized control over Green Wood-S3 with facility #71 Amulet of luck factory. (Summary)
2023-12-02 17:55: Control over Bear Mountain-S4 with #125 Gem mine was lost by clan #493 #493 Говорящие с Ветром. (Summary #1787)


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