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My mom left the door open (we live in hell)

AuthorMy mom left the door open (we live in hell)

Sorry all, my mom left the door open that's why there are so many demons running around. I've seen them in the 300s pestering some people.

Please forgive her, the horns are not good for memory. I will see to it that it does not happen again.


BTW is it me, or are they really "horny" lately, there seems to be larger numbers than usual.
lol are u joking there is demons around because of ur mom?who is ur mom?Ai Amma?
so that's why there are so many demons around do you know that they've even been eating my breakfast?

Even the demon exterminator gave up how am i supposed to get rid of them?They are everywhere in my house even demn babies in the sink
call hellboy.
maybe Van Helsing just in case theres vampires.

tupor cant you close that door?because of your mom the world is doomed! why do you live in hell anyway?

snower i suggest burning your house down.with water.cos demons love fire.

but i'll try to call the demons back as you can see from my name(Deamonking)
i'm the king of demons.yay me.i rule
my house has already been destroyed by a devil.i've had it with this world.im moving away to live with my cousin.at least he has a watergun.
weird yet funny thread rofl
they make ne demon too..damn:(
Demons Rule
hey tupe could you please close that door i see succubi appearing everywhere on the map
so has any1 closed the door yet? or r we just talkin bout it?
just simply close the door and oow!!it's so hot
All you need to do is yelling at the demon..
Go to hell demon!! And they will be gone in a second because they will feel homesick when they hear the word 'hell'

mwahaha time for my revenge i will make them follow me with demon treats and throw it into the sea watch them drown or evaporate in salty water.
Breaking News

Tupeorpesadilla's mum has also left the back door to hell open.
Our only chance is to open the gates to heaven but they have been locked shut and we cant find the spare key...


[Player banned by moderator Kotrin until 2009-07-13 09:25:35 // Thread necromancy.]
A-Team will save us XD
i still remember this thread o.O
wow , i didnt look the time it was made -.- long time ago XD anyways A-team or ghostbusters will save us
still funny to read it again xD
closed by Lord Kotrin (2009-07-10 13:25:48)
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