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Winning Roulette Betting Theory


AuthorWinning Roulette Betting Theory
Winning Roulette Betting Theory

Ok, after much logical thinking and “paper betting”, I think I might have come to a logical theory of winning ridiculous amounts of gold from roulette.

Okay, first thing to realise when betting on roulette is that it is different from a game of baseball. In baseball, one only has 3 chances to make a hit or (s)he is out.

In roulette, a person can skip many chances to take a swing at a number, awaiting the golden moment for a sure-hit number. Of course, if you take a swing and you fail, you are immediately out (bankrupt). Therefore, patience is key in waiting for the right moment to start betting on a number.

“How do I know when is the right moment?”. You ask me.

In theory, it is very simple. The theory is called “margin of safety”, to borrow a phrase from the richest man in the world, Warren Buffet. The theory espouses that if one is unsure whether the price he is paying to buy a particular stock is reasonable, then (s)he should wait for the price to drop to a certain level before commiting himself to the purchase. How do we apply this theory in roulette?

First, we identify several numbers which we will potentially bet on later. Spend a minimum of 3 and ½ hours watching these numbers if they would appear on the roulette table. If the numbers appear during this time frame, then you can safely dismiss them from your watchlist. If after 3 and ½ hours, a particular number still does not appear, then the betting begins.

Start betting a portion of your gold on that number. General rule of thumb is this formula:

Betting amount = Total betting money / 30

Which means if you have 30,000, you should only bet 1,000 gold at one time. No more, no less. Now every 10 minutes, bet on that same number until it comes out.

In thoery, it all sounds very easy and simple. However, in reality, one big problem plaguing us from winning it big. Spin History. We only get a history of spins for the last 3 hours and that is too small a time frame for us to judge. And not all of us can be online for so long to observe the numbers.

My solution, start a roulette history thread on the forums so that everyone can post the result of the roulette every 10 minutes. This would require the cooperation of the entire LOWM community, which might or might not be difficult. One thread for each month, so one thread would have in a region of 4,400 posts, assuming one post for one result.

In conclusion, after reading this, I hope my dear readers would not hold me responsible for any losses they may incur after trying out my thoery. Good luck.
3 and ½ hours

This is meant to say 3 and 1/2 hours.
Further rules that I may recommend would be:

- Do not bet on more than one number at a time.

- Only bet with money that you can afford to lose, that means don’t risk gold that you need to use later on to replace worn-out arts to comply with the min AP rule.
also note, asuming that the "golden number" comes up as number 30 you will have to spend 5 hours straight in front of the computer and not missing one bet, because if you do, i promise that number youve been waiting for will come up :)

Another note, sometimes a sure hits does not show up for over 48 hours, trust me, been there done that :)
it is a very nice way of betting, but nothing is assured.
It is a total random system and therefor it is possible that one number doen not appear for 10 hours or even a month.

The only way to be sure you win is to double or nothing.
The problem here is that you need a lot of money to begin with, and if you are unlucky it can take hours for 1 win. and your winnings will not be high enough to make it worth it.
Ok, you start using your theory, when you ve made more then 1 000 000 gold profit from it, you can tell me, then ill start using it too ^_^
*and another way to win at the roulette:

First you bet 1000 on red, then 2000 on red, then 4000 on red, you keep going until it is red, then you do have some profit =)
Or you reach your betting limit before red falls out :)
I tried your method on the November data and bet on 5. The result was that it had worked vice versa. When I pass the first 21 turns and then start to bet my chance was worse than 1/39, when I bet on the first 21 turns after the last five and pass after, I have a chance of better than 1/32, but I guess it's not a system.

There is no way to beat a real roulette and any method beating ours must be the result of a flaw in our roulette system.
well I used kiz's theory and won but also want to add something that this theory holds good for selecting a group of numbers which can also be selected by using the present spin history
U can just do the theory, but i THINK the admin will change the Randomed Number when necessary, I mean the admin will watch the player in some interval times that have won BIG .. then He will make the player loose . It could happen ..

I think In this roulette, everything is REALLY RANDOM ..

Best regards,


But I love the idea to make the list of Appeared Numbers .. let us start it at this THREAD ..

Ok, you start using your theory, when you ve made more then 1 000 000 gold profit from it, you can tell me, then ill start using it too ^_^

Hehe, I would try it :) I need to build up my capital for this experiment first though.

Did the number 5 appear on the first 21 turns? If it did, then you should forget about it and observe for another 3 and half hours.

sometimes a sure hits does not show up for over 48 hours
Yes, there is such a risk. At moments like this, you can only curse your luck lol.
U can just do the theory, but i THINK the admin will change the Randomed Number when necessary, I mean the admin will watch the player in some interval times that have won BIG .. then He will make the player loose . It could happen ..

It could not. Numbers are pre-generated for every month, and archives are availiable to prove it (with password being availiable once the month ends)
for Shebali:

It could not. Numbers are pre-generated for every month, and archives are availiable to prove it (with password being availiable once the month ends)

But to prove it .. anyone here write down EVERY NUMBER appeared at every SPIN ?? if yes .. plzz provide it here .. then We can PROVE that it is REALLY pre-generated

Best regards,

for RandhyTheDarks:
You're the one who needs proof - you go do it. You'll be helping Kiz by this, too - so it won't be a completly useless way to spend time.
there cant be winning theory
on one spin chance is 1-38
second spin chances are also 1-38
and so on

"double" system doesnt work also, u can make 10 wins by betting on the half-chance fields and doubling in case of lose, but then u can lose all your money if one field will be more than 6 times for example

its just a luck
Did the number 5 appear on the first 21 turns? If it did, then you should forget about it and observe for another 3 and half hours.

Of course I did, I do exactly what your theory suggests starting at every point. I did some refinement to my model to better reflect your theory and extended it to all numbers. Following your theory yields a 1/38.2 chance for winning and doing the exact opposite yields 1/37.7, so we're relatively close to the expectation and neither method will bring you profit.
[Post deleted by moderator Red_Baron // Flood]
Numbers are pre-generated for every month, and archives are availiable to prove it (with password being availiable once the month ends)

Some nerd bumped this topic, so I would like to ask, where are the latest archives? It raises some suspicion.
does not show up for over 48 hours,

dang there goes my grand plan for a 24 hour bet experiment :(
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