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An Unexpected Betrayal

AuthorAn Unexpected Betrayal
This is a short story based on the events regarding the block of Arctic, I hope you will enjoy it :)

The battles raged on. Numerous brave warriors stepped up to take on Councilor Feurlis, none so far have succeeded. Seeking glory and above all, the release of the Empire's herald, the Rebels fought on; undeterred by the failures of those before them. The Councilors stand strong, fighting for Empire, fighting to uphold the honour and glory of the Empire Court.

Elsewhere, other followers of the Empire would step up to defend their Empresses' honour. Numerous battles would take place. The Colonels clashed with the rebels. Wins and losses were felt on both sides, yet both continued to struggle on. As the battles raged and the members of the Empire sought to fight with one another, a family stood divided. Two brothers, one fighting for fame and for Arctic, the other for the Empire, clashed on the battlefields. But it would appear something was amiss, for Colonel Dizbe's troops would not respond to his command and when settlement came, his troops could not be tamed. Rebel Decrous won the battle and demanded that Dizbe join the Rebellion. Those fighting for the Empire he said; are dead.

The defeat crushed the morale of Colonel Dizbe. Should he fight alongside his brother, or stay loyal to the Empire? A decision had to be made, and it had to be made soon. But something was bothering Dizbe. Despite having the power of the Empire on his side, his troops had still failed to settle in combat. Why? It was as if something were wrong. Colonel Dizbe decided that he must consult the Empire personally for advice, to gain an understanding of why his troops had reacted the way they did.
The streets of Great Capital were filled. Rebels clashed with the Empire forces, fires raged and bodies lay strewn around them. Complete chaos. Heavily cloaked, Colonel Dizbe moved through the city, towards the Empress’s palace, disguised as to avoid battle with those rebels hunting him. The large wooden gate to the palace stood closed, barring the rebellion forces from entering. In the distance stood a small jail; standing guard over it, engaged in combat was councilor Feurlis, determined to ensure justice is upheld.

Seeing that the gates were not to be opened, Colonel Dizbe disappeared up a path to the right of the large wooden gate, away from the battles and the scenes of chaos unfolding throughout the Empire. Following a towering stone wall, Dizbe stopped at a section and looking around him, proceeded to remove a small rectangular stone. Behind this rectangular stone, was an inset wood bolt; a secret door, known only to the Colonels of the Empire. Twisting the bolt, the small section of stone flung open and Dizbe stepped inside.

The palace courtyard was deserted. Curiously, there was no-one manning the gates and no-one attending to the palace door. Dizbe moved through the large marble courtyard, stunned. For here, unlike the streets of Great Capital, it was silent. An eerie calm settled over him as he stepped into the palace, for there was no-one here either. Not one attendant was present, nor was there any sign of one of the Councilors who claimed to be fighting for the Empress. Dizbe moved on through the ante-chamber and stepped over the threshold into the Palace hall.

Seated on her throne sat Empire, yet she looked as if she had aged many years since her last public appearance. Just as Dizbe watched, the Empire slumped forward on her throne. He ran forward to help. Something was wrong. Taking hold of the Empress, Dizbe pushed her into an upright position and removing a bladder of water, poured some into her cracked lips. Her eyes flickered for a moment as she looked up at Dizbe and in a saddened whisper spoke, “My noble Lord, I fear I may be dying, you must listen to me and do what I say, for the fate of the Empire depends on it”.
With those words, the Empress slumped forward again. Rage swelled up within Dizbe. He had been tricked; Tricked into fighting for the councilors against members of his own community when all along he had believed it was Empire and justice he was fighting for. He will spread the word; he must spread the word and ensure all know the truth.

Before leaving the palace, Dizbe picked the Empress up and removed her from the palace hall, moving her into her chambers. It was here he laid beside her a loaf of bread, a few slices of cheese and some drinking water. "Before I go, good Empress, I must ask of you one thing", spoke Dizbe. When Empire did not respond, he pressed on. "When I went into battle against my brother, Lord Decrous, my troops were restless, they refused to settle and I can't understand what happened".
The Empress opened her eyes and looked at Dizbe, "there exists a great bond between a hero and his troops, and there exists an even greater bond amongst the players in a community. You and Lord Decrous are brothers; the comradery you show between one another is far greater than any cause you could ever fight for. Your troops must have felt your relationship and understanding that something was wrong with you two going head to head, tried to prevent it.

But please, Lord Dizbe, you must go now. I need to try and recover my strength, I must rest. Strength to you, Lord Dizbe and strength to all my valiant Lords."

With those words, Empire closed her eyes.
Dizbe ran. Moving with the speed of a shrew, he sped towards the stone door in the palace, desperate for everyone to know of the traitorous acts committed by the Councilors. As he ran, thoughts winged their way through his head. He understood now why the Empire was not often seen, rather her messages delivered through the Councilors. He understood why Empire, cloaked and flanked by the councilors had adopted an evil smile when seen recently addressing her followers, she had been poisoned and possessed! As he ran through Great Capital, he too understood that if the Lords community were to defeat the Councilors, they must unite together as one.

"The Councilors are traitors. Let us not fight amongst each other; we must work to defeat Feurlis".
"For Empire!"
"For Arctic!"
"For Honour!"

For Lords.
Nice job dizbe :)


Join the rebellion!
Nice ;-).

Good that you have seen the truth, now let's fire these powerhungry counsilors. I'm sure that it was Counsilor Feurlis himself who dug up the old venomancer spells and released their spirits.
Wow, how surprising is the truth!

I'm with you.

Free Empress! Free Arctics!
Good story! ;)
Way to go, Lord Dizbe! The Empire needs its Heroes now more than ever.

For Arctic, For Lordswm!
I like it its very creative :)
genius work
First thing, Arctic's jail is not in Great Capital, but in Verdant Dell. It is impossible to see it in GC, of course. Second thing, I think that it would be better to omiss words like "players": you are creating somethng fictional, you don't have to mention real things. we are Lords, for Twin Gods' sake, not players! ;)
The story is nice, BUT I think that it will be changed by another version, given by admins. I woul be more careful in writing such important things, you can be easily contracticted!
By the way, the narration is good.
The story is nice, BUT I think that it will be changed by another version, given by admins. I woul be more careful in writing such important things, you can be easily contracticted!

Of course. It's in Creative Works. That generally means it's a version of fiction ;)

First thing, Arctic's jail is not in Great Capital, but in Verdant Dell. It is impossible to see it in GC, of course.

If you are sneaking around behind the back of the palace, on the map, you will be adjacent to the path leading into Verdant Dell. Hence, why it is "in the distance" - (Follow the path's line of sight into VD. But again - work of fiction, and in a work of fiction we writers are allowed to take certain liberties ;)

The official news post has been released, with an official version of events, we can all refer there for theories now! :)
closed by Lord Dizbe (2010-12-17 00:16:56)
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