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#645 Devlish Eye Of the Thundering Dragon


Author#645 Devlish Eye Of the Thundering Dragon
Technical clan for CG level 12.

Home of Mighty and Magical Commanders of Combat Level 12.

1 - Shud be CL 12
2 - Shud be an active CG player
3 - Pay compulsory 500 gold for invite (Send the gold + PM to the leader)
4 - Shud not use CG for low faction raising (use your best faction, or at least competitive)
5 - Shud use a PvP-oriented build in CG, thus not abusing your teammates' time and arts. Honestly intend to win!

Our aim is to gather an Elite group of Commanders who will fight with and against each other is spirit of brotherhood and enjoy the game with players of equal skill and intellectual level.

PS: If you want to raise low faction, we can't help you! We are of the belief that CG was not meant for raising low faction (not in GB at least).
Go raise faction first, and after you have raised, please come back. We will take you in, and fight together then!
Technical clan for Commander's Guild on Level 12.

Everyone level 12 is entitled to join. However,

1 - Should not use Commander's Guild GBs for low faction raising (use your best faction, or at least competitive)
2 - Should use a PvP-oriented build in CG, thus not abusing your teammates' time and arts. Honestly intend to win!

To join, send 500 gold (taken by the system for invitation -- none profits from this clan) + PM to leader/treasurer.


Clan members are strongly encouraged to:
• only create clan-teams and only join clan-teams in Commander's Guild GBs.
• come to the clan-chatroom whenever able/willing to engage in a Commander's Guild combat.


Clan services:
• naviron: Buy used (shop, not enchanted) artifacts non-profit (use lordswm.org to compute fair price for used durability).
[Player banned by moderator Schwarzenegger until 2012-10-10 14:16:56 // Long String Violation. Warning.]
There will be no more mass mails. However is able and willing to play CG combats, joins the clan chat. No need to spam everybody in PM.


The clan's technical owner if Baweja, https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=4751624
Survival is not everything.
One must also be *worthy* of surviving.

Everyone level 12 is entitled to join. However,

1 - Should not use Commander's Guild GBs for low faction raising (use your best faction, or at least competitive)
2 - Should use a PvP-oriented build in CG, thus not abusing your teammates' time and arts. Honestly intend to win!
Commanders’ Guild

Level 0: 20% extra faction skill points in guild combats
Level 1: Random Tactician set artifact, Chance to loot shop artifacts in all PVP combats
Level 2: Random Tactician set artifact, +1 primary skill
Level 3: Random Tactician set artifact, Chance to loot shop artifacts in all combats
Clan members are strongly encouraged to:
• only create clan-teams and only join clan-teams in Commander's Guild GBs.
• come to the clan-chatroom whenever able/willing to engage in a Commander's Guild combat.
Home of Mighty and Magical Commanders of Combat Level 12.
PS: If you want to raise low faction, we can't help you! We are of the belief that CG was not meant for raising low faction (not in GB at least).
Go raise faction first, and after you have raised, please come back. We will take you in, and fight together then!
Technical clan for CG level 12.
Dear Devilish Commanders,

Everything starts and ends somewhere. As I'm close to level up, I have decided to stop CG participation on this level, and, since next level is a level where DU's are available, I am unlikely to continue my CG activity with the same enthusiasm as I did on this level.

As such, yours truly will soon step down from the clan leadership, and membership as a whole.

I shall pass on #645 command to someone worthy. I hope I gave a good impulse into a good direction for the clan. I didn't want this clan to be a group of favoritisms, and weaklings bunch who let each-other win with a smile on their faces, and become as soft and guts-less as a shrimp... No! You must fight and fight until the last drop, and let sparks come out of your clinching swords... Never count on mercy or understanding. For one to be worthy, it most command respect. You gain respect at the end of the sword only. The sharp end...

I wish the Commander's Guild Clan for level 12 will continue vigorously fighting and ripping off victories as well a glorious deaths alike.

Yours truly.
I have appointed Maingano as the new leader of the cg clan for lvl 12. I think he is capable, both in terms of leadership as well as piercing your hearts with arrows in combats.

I wish all of your successful CG combats!
Commanders’ Guild

Level 0: 20% extra faction skill points in guild combats
Level 1: Random Tactician set artifact, Chance to loot shop artifacts in all PVP combats
Level 2: Random Tactician set artifact, +1 primary skill
Level 3: Random Tactician set artifact, Chance to loot shop artifacts in all combats
Technical clan for CG level 12.

Home of Mighty and Magical Commanders of Combat Level 12.

1 - Shud be CL 12
2 - Shud be an active CG player
3 - Pay compulsory 500 gold for invite (Send the gold + PM to the leader)
4 - Shud not use CG for low faction raising (use your best faction, or at least competitive)
5 - Shud use a PvP-oriented build in CG, thus not abusing your teammates' time and arts. Honestly intend to win!

Our aim is to gather an Elite group of Commanders who will fight with and against each other is spirit of brotherhood and enjoy the game with players of equal skill and intellectual level.

PS: If you want to raise low faction, we can't help you! We are of the belief that CG was not meant for raising low faction (not in GB at least).
Go raise faction first, and after you have raised, please come back. We will take you in, and fight together then!
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