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Insight on the Unholy

AuthorInsight on the Unholy
Lords and Ladies,

Court Wizard Abu-Bakir has studied the contents of scrolls found within the crypts of the Undead. Apart from many historical records, they list the details of dark arts of the Unholy which allow mastering the Dominion of Undeath and learning to raise the alternative undead creatures. The remains of the crypt creatures are spreading out in the Empire and may be encountered in hunt and as Mercenary quest targets.

Every Necromancer castle has been sent instructions about managing the new class. As a result, any Necromancer of Combat Level 5 and above may switch to Unholy Necromancer class to start mastering its specialties:
1) An entirely different recruit count and an alternative set of upgrades for all creature tiers;
2) Skeletons from reserve may not be recruited;
3) A new talent wheel with several sectors' talent point cost modified;
4) The "Raise dead" spell becomes influenced by necromancer skill level:
· Mana cost of "Raise dead" is reduced by 5% per faction skill level;
· Efficiency of "Raise dead"is increased by 10% per faction skill level;
· The hit points penalty of "Raise dead" is reduced by 5% per faction skill level;
· After casting "Raise dead", the character gets his turn 3% faster per faction skill level.

Abu-Bakir has also interceded with Her Majesty for an Unholy Insight Tournament to observe the new power of the Empire military in action. The Tournament will begin today.

Any character, regardless of faction, may join the tournament to try the art of the Unholy for him- or herself. Insight tournament features Survival-type combats with characters controlling creatures, having magic spells and talents presets of the new class. The tournament combats award necromancer faction skill points irrespective of current active faction.

Best of luck in the tournament, and display wisdom in using the power of the Unholy!
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