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Mobile Phone

AuthorMobile Phone
I have Samsung Galaxy Ace smartphone and i have tried to enroll but it isn't showing me the bar where i have to type the code.
Can any1 tell why?
I use phones main browser
Seems your phone does not support Flash...
download flash or use browser which supports flash..like puffin
So i won't be able to enroll with my phone?
Topic moved from "General game forum" to "Technical support".
just download mozila firefox...
I have same cell phone
Just download puffin browser n it will work f9.. :D
Download any free browser which lets you choose when visiting a site whether you are shown the mobile version of the page or a standard desktop version.

Choose the desktop version, go to adobe and click the download flash player option.

It will download (and update in future) with no problems. You will now have genuine native flash available in whatever browser or media streaming apps you use.

** Flash IS compatible with later versions of Android but Google could not come to an agreement with Adobe over it's delivery so it is not shown in market and you can't download load it with an android "flavour" browser.
the galaxy ace CPU does not support native flash, so you cant download or install flash.

the only way for the ACE is using Puffin Browser as INSANE said.
Puffin has a 14-day trial and then you have to pay for it right?
for MrBattleControl:
yes but..u can tell someone to type his referral code somewhere (if he's a puufin user too) and then yours and his trial will increase by a period of 14 days more..and this can be repeated several times..but not btw already done pairs.
Translate these pages then read and download the compitable flash for your device.

thanks guys. *U*
[Post deleted by moderator Lord STB // Sharing of copyrighted software]
It is rather easy to find cracked versions of software, but the risk is high that you also get viruses. Think like this: Who will make a site that distributes illegal software for free? There is always a risk that someone will take legal action. The only logical reason that I came up with is that they are stealing something form the ones that are downloading the software.

The cost for a Puffin browser is 3 USD. If the free version is working, please buy it. It is a human being in the other end that spends his days working hard and needs to feed his children.
i am using NOKIA E5-00. Mobile when the combat start , the combat page is showing - trying to connect to srver but i have intenet in my mobile i please need a solution !!!!!!!!
Player banned by moderator Wertz until 2013-07-21 14:32:39 // FR #4.2.1
Use skyfire browser, it's free, no trial period and you can enroll
Mobile Phones:

For Android-->

Everyone should install illegally(since,google stopped showing adobe flash plugin in play store since,adobe stopped support)..

version of andriod should 4 or later..(browser best support is from dolphin & related.

no probs with Iphone & recent windows (windows 8) phones...
all HTC phones support flash
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