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A filter for the clan transfer log

AuthorA filter for the clan transfer log
With all these defence being listed there is is hard to find what you want.

So it would be very helpful with a filter in the clan log like we also have in our own transfer log
sorry I meant:

+1, for depository too if possible

I doubt it will available only to clan leader, deputy and admins(maybe similar to character transfer log which is available to char and admins)
+1 + Elf Pride ban yourself for making that mistake.
The defenses make a huge mess indeed.
+1 + Elf Pride ban yourself for making that mistake. First tell him to ban you for not using quotes..

+1 For the transfer log.
+1, for depository too if possible
Player banned by moderator Edwin until 2019-08-04 23:24:01 // F.R. 2.8 (warning)
[Post deleted by moderator Meshy // Read ideas suggested multiple times]
+1 or just remove defences from log and create a clan combat log
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