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#7755 Syrian's Brotherhood


Author#7755 Syrian's Brotherhood

And welcome to my clan.

Here's how you get in:

-If you're my friend: free
-If you're not: all your gold +1

Clan activities:

We mostly stare at each other.
And we also use the Clan's Latrine.

So pm me.
Takes the opportunity to use the latrine while it is fresh and unused.
Indeed, my friend, indeed... Tired of Empire's undercleaned latrines? Join a clan where it's all about keeping it in the highest possible form of cleanliness.

And cleanliness, my friends... is next to godliness. Everyone knows that.
Lord STB flushes the toilet.
Thinking of buying the blue thingy for the latrine. Turns the water blue. Awesome.
Big welcome to Asesino21, our newest brother!

Now we can enjoy Mickey Mouse stories while using the Latrine. Life is good!
*Takes a leak at the latrine*
The flush system is broken :/
The latrine appears to be D5W6F1A3. (Drain, Water, Flush, Aromatic) The A-rating is decreasing rapidly since Lord KDs visit. :(
Not my fault :P
Blame the cleaning guys xD
Toilet Paper.
Can we get some new comics ?
[Post deleted by moderator ElfPride // please ask clan leader or recruiters via pm]
Now i am a member of your clan.. !:)
Welcome, vicky. Do wait in line. And do not provoke Edwin...
Toilet Paper.

And welcome to my clan.

Here's how you get in:

-If you're my friend: free
-If you're not: all your gold +1

Clan activities:

We mostly stare at each other.
And we also use the Clan's Latrine.

So pm me.
I have 1 gold
Does that make the entry fee 2 gold for me? ^_^
Player banned by moderator ElfPride until 2014-01-31 17:19:13 // FR#6.1//Please don't bump more than once in 24 hrs. (warning)
We mostly stare at each other.
And we also use the Clan's Latrine.

I got to calm down the intense discussion about this. We do NOT stare at each other while we are using the Latrine.
We do NOT stare at each other while we are using the Latrine.

who says we don't ?? XP
Player banned by moderator Lord STB until 2014-02-02 19:40:15 // FR6.1 / Please don't bump more than once in 24 hrs.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.
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