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New Faction : Bishop


AuthorNew Faction : Bishop
well this is my creative work about bishop
i made it when i bored at class :D

Advice are welcome...
( Sorry for my bad english and grammar in this thread :) )

just for fun ....

Bishop is a faction who have high defensive against any damage. They are part of magician who can cast spell and can cover their troops with their magic. Bishop find a new ability to protect their troops with their mana.
Bishop’s Lord look like wizard with white cloth and staff. He shoot with white light and cast magic by knock the earth like ‘Druid’.
At Level 1 Bishop get +1 defence
And can learn only Holy magic + chaos magic start at level 5

~~Racial ability~~
Mana Guard
This ability allow all lord’s troops get a guard. The Guard will absorb some damage and convert to hero’s mana. If Hero’s mana reach 0, The troops take full damage. The troops Guard is 20%+4%*[FSL]. Each mana can absorb up to 1+2*[FSL] damage. This is ability is passive.
Example :
Hero [FSL] = 5 ; Mana guard effect = 40% ; Each mana absorb = 11 damage
>>> Shrews deal 100 damage to bahamut.
Bahamut dampen 40 damage with Mana guard.
Yopiwizard lose 4 mana.
Shrew deal 60 damage to Bahamut.

*The Guard will active if : after absorb damage calculation the troops NOT complete perished. (it will save Your mana)
**If the guard active, the symbol will appear in troops head. The symbol look like mana with a shield in the center.
***This ability start in level 3
~Tier 1~
Baby Dragon
– Baby dragon has fire breath and sharp nails. It’s body is small-red and non-large creature. It have wings. It shoots enemy with fire from its mouth.
Attack - 1
Defence - 2
Damage - 1-2
Hit Points – 4
Speed – 4
Shoot – 5
Mana – 0
Initiative – 9
Ability : Flyer. Shooter. Soul Contact
*Soul Contact : This Creature will gain +1 morale and +1 Luck for each “Soul Contact” in another troops in Lord army except this creature. The Troops should different type. Split troops not counted.

[UP] Flame Dragon
– Same as Baby dragon, Flame Dragon has small body. Its body’s colour are red and gold-yellow. It has a new red tough horn. When it perform volley shoot, it will shoot like fireball.
Attack - 1
Defence - 4
Damage - 1-3
Hit Points – 5
Speed – 5
Shoot – 7
Mana – 0
Initiative – 9
Ability : Flyer. Shooter. Soul Contact. Volley.

~Tier 2~
Lady Knight
–Lady knight is a woman who have high guard. She wearing knight cloth like swordman but her style is like shrew. She look beautiful. She wearing glowing hat. Lady knight uses a sword and shield.
Attack - 2
Defence - 5
Damage - 1-4
Hit Points – 8
Speed – 6
Shoot – 0
Mana – 0
Initiative – 10
Ability : Fortification. Large Shield. Magic Shield 25%.
[UP] Valkyrie
–Valkyrie wearing white costume with more light, same as lady knight. The sword more light like archangel. Her hat change by tiara.
Attack - 3
Defence - 7
Damage – 2-5
Hit Points – 10
Speed – 6
Shoot – 0
Mana – 0
Initiative – 11
Ability : Fortification. Large Shield. Magic Shield 25%. Unlimited retaliation. Willpower.
*Willpower : When this creature attack any units and the units complete perished, this creature will gain + 1 hit points until the end of battle. This effect can be stacked.
~Tier 3~
–Page is a knight with sword in his hand. The sword is two-handed weapon. Its wearing white cloth like swordsman but his style like lizard cavalry (without lizard). Its look cool, gentle and handsome. If he attacks, his attacks style like commander.
Attack - 4
Defence - 4
Damage – 2-5
Hit Points – 12
Speed – 7
Shoot – 0
Mana – 0
Initiative – 12
Ability : No Retaliation. Ambition.
*Ambition : Whenever this creature kill complete perished any creature in its turn, this creature will bursting action (gaining morale) even it has negative morale.
[UP] Blader
–Blader is knight with bigger two-handed sword. Its look like page with more light cloth. He is not wearing hat but wearing glowing bandana.
Attack - 5
Defence - 7
Damage – 3-6
Hit Points – 12
Speed – 7
Shoot – 0
Mana – 0
Initiative – 14
Ability : No Retaliation. Ambition. True of holy. Purge.
*True of holy : This creature’s holy magic buff can’t be removed by any spell (dispersion) and any effect.
(when dispersion spell casted to this creature, it will remove any darkness buff. Without remove any holy buff)

~Tier 4~
–Zeus is caster troop for bishop. His power is air. He looks old like magi but more gentle. He has tall body and wearing magical cloth. He use long staff. There is a thunder symbol on the the top of his staff. He casts like druids and shoots like “pearl priestesses”.
Attack - 7
Defence - 11
Damage – 3-6
Hit Points – 13
Speed – 3
Shoot – 2
Mana – 15
Initiative – 10
Ability : Shooter. No ranged Penalty. Caster ( lightning,rapid, magic arrow, lightning ; all spell on adv magic ). Immune to air.
[UP] Elder Zeus
–He is look same as Zeus. He casts and shoots same like Zeus. The new only his eye. His eye glowing like invoker.
Attack - 8
Defence - 12
Damage – 4-7
Hit Points – 18
Speed – 3
Shoot – 3
Mana – 24
Initiative – 10
Ability : Shooter. No ranged Penalty. Caster ( lightning,rapid, magic arrow, chain lightning ; all spell on adv magic ). Immune to air. Spare mana. Arcane aim.
*Spare mana : this creature have ability to take mana from his lord. The number of mana taken is same as this creature perish. ( this is the opposite skill of mana convey )
*Arcane aim : this creature’s magic have chance to ignore 100% of magic resistance of the target. Beside their magic damage increase equal of % magic resistance of the target.
~Tier 5~
–Taurospear same like minotaur. But it has bigger body than minotaur. It wearing white cloth. And use spear like spearman. Its color is brown-white with tough horn.
Attack - 11
Defence - 12
Damage – 8-13
Hit Points – 50
Speed – 4
Shoot – 8
Mana – 0
Initiative – 7
Ability : Large creature. Shooter. Bravery. Tough ammunition.
*Tough ammunition : this creature’s ranged damage doubled whenever it hit a non-large creature.
[UP] White Tauros
–White tauros look like taurospear. The color is full white with the white costume. It still use spear and have tough horn too.
Attack - 13
Defence - 13
Damage – 13-18
Hit Points – 65
Speed – 4
Shoot – 10
Mana – 0
Initiative – 7
Ability : Large creature. Shooter. Bravery. Tough ammunition. Lucky day.
*Lucky day : this creature’s luck never lower than 3. ( this is only decrease whenever the lord get penalty -2 luck because fled from combat )

~Tier 6~
–This is a woman aura. She look beautiful and she is same like ghost. She is incoporeal. She has blue-ice color.
Attack - 20
Defence - 25
Damage – 18-28
Hit Points – 40
Speed – 9
Shoot – 0
Mana – 0
Initiative – 10
Ability : Large creature. Flyer. Inconporeal. Immune to water. Frozen shield.
*Frozen shield : whenever this creature attacked (melee) by any troops, the attacker will get back -20% initiative (decrease 20%*initial initiative) and -2 speed. ( even the attacker miss to this creature, the attacker still get the effect)
[UP] Ice Queen
–Same as Shiva, her color is blue with glowing crown. Her eye more glowing like invoker.
Attack - 25
Defence - 30
Damage – 23-33
Hit Points – 50
Speed – 10
Shoot – 0
Mana – 0
Initiative – 10
Ability : Large creature. Flyer. Inconporeal. Immune to water. Frozen shield. Ice attack.
*Ice attack : this creature have chance freeze the target (initiative go to 0) for 0,3 AtB scale. When this skill active, the target not retaliate. This skill like dominion of frost.
~Tier 7~
–This is a dragon. But it not look like elf’s green dragon. It has fat body and red-orange color. It has wings and horn. It will attack like skeletal dragon.
Attack - 26
Defence - 30
Damage – 30-60
Hit Points – 130
Speed – 7
Shoot – 0
Mana – 0
Initiative – 11
Ability : Large creature. Flyer. Soul contact. Immune to darkness.
*Immune to darkness : this creature immune to all darkness spell.
[UP] Ancient Bahamut
–Same as bahamut, this creature has fat body and red-yellow glowing body. It attack like skeletal dragon. And this dragon has small crown.
Attack - 30
Defence - 30
Damage – 35-80
Hit Points – 150
Speed – 8
Shoot – 0
Mana – 0
Initiative – 11
Ability : Large creature. Flyer. Soul contact. Holy Guardian. Immune ton darkness.
*Holy guardian : this creature has ability to cast random mass holy spell to any allied adjacent to this creature. The spell in adv holy magic except bless and rapid on expert holy magic. ( spell are bless, rapid, stoneskin, evasion, chastise )

*(MAIN) Recovery link : Hero gains an ability to establish Recovery link with one of own stacks. Whenever that stacks dealing damage, hero recover mana equal 2% of the damage. Establishing Recovery link moves your hero back by only 0.5 on the ATB scale. Only one creature can be established Recovery link with any one hero at any moment of combat.(6 points) (this is like spirit link)
*Defence talent ( 7 points )
+ Defence command : Hero gains an ability to make one of own stacks in defend position. After doing this ability hero moves back by only 0.5 on ATB scale. (req: recovery link, expert defence, vitality, stand your ground )
*Holy Magic (8 points )
+Blessing fairy : bless holy magic will increase +1 hp to the target (req : adv holy, dom. of bless )
*Chaos magic ( 11 points )
*Erudition ( 9 points )
*Fortune ( 10 points )
Well thats all
for troops you can click here
i hope it look same as my creative work :)

sorry for my bad english and grammar
all advice are welcome
if you think this overpower let me know
If this get good response, I will post about Alt Bishop( Holy Bishop )

Thanks all
Have Fun :D
wow, interesting :)

i like it ;) *Claps* :)
*Claps* :)

willpower ability is OP, especially in survival tournaments.
Defence command : Hero gains an ability to make one of own stacks in defend position. After doing this ability hero moves back by only 0.5 on ATB scale.
This talent seems awesome, but i think it should charge 5 mana.
willpower ability is OP, especially in survival tournaments.,so is blood lust:p
but really well balanced faction in terms of troops.

Good work mate=)
for virtual_vitrea: Thanks :) (idk what *claps* mean )
for _1rip1_: Thanks =)

for Anony-mouse: Thanks for advice :)

willpower same as tribal spirit. More attack = More Life.
But willpower only active when the creature attack in its turn and the target should be complete perish on its attack. Its not active in retaliation. Its good for valkyrie because she has low hp as guardian :)

Defence command not cost mana because bishop really need mana to cover his troops with mana guard. That talent makes own stacks in defend so the stacks will lose initiatif (initiatif drop 0). So i think it not need cost mana :)
very less hp :/ othrwise good abilities. well thought. shame it will never be implemented
for K5isback: with mana guard and talent defence, it enough strong but for neutrak it prety weak :D
for the first time I liked the topic new faction:_____
great work!
shame it will never be implemented
first of all does a bishop fight? Lmao !
for Bheem:for BiawakJahat: thanks :)
first of all does a bishop fight? Lmao !
im not understand -_-
[Post deleted by moderator virtual_vitrea // ]
firstly, The originality here is commendable. I like the baby dragon... but i think, the hp of these units are abnormally low. i think you have done it to link it with mana protection so they aren't overpowered. Actually, i feel that these bishop units as of now can only, In the best case scenario, make it just Parallel with the other faction units. Otherwise they will be inferior.

Clapping is just a gesture of appreciation.
for virtual_vitrea: thanks good advice :)
mana guard is passive, so all troops already covered at first combat.

well, before i was made all bishop's hp same as wizard's hp.
but i think with mana guard and def talent 7point will make this faction overdefence and OP. Because lord can do chaos too.

This is my first, so im sorry for them :)
next i will carefully to create them
because next time i will make this alt "undarkness bishop" and another faction too "pirate" (with gun-shoot combat school) :D
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