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1st Paired Academy tournament - results

Author1st Paired Academy tournament - results

Big congrats to gold medalists Spat13 and Evergreener. Spat13 was in fact the only player with a perfect score in the pre-set team event at his level.
Congratz to all winners :)

Though i didnt got any medal , but i along with my partner of PT 'Astrid Swift' , we both have got 3 incentives :)

My multi got 2 silver medals
lvl 4 - randoms
lvl 6 - preset
3rd - lvl 11 randoms
Missed bronze medal at lvl 12 randoms by 1 point :l
no incentives?
thats sad
no incentives?

At first i saw its 400k incentives.
incentive prize US part of the participation fee players pay to participate. however, because of the anniversary, this tournament was free to join, thus no participation fee.
guess we do have incentives :D
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