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9th Paired tournament


Author9th Paired tournament
Here you can discuss everything about the 9th paired tournament (score, strategy...).

You may also look for partners for the preset team mode here.

The tournament will last from april 26 11:00 server time until may 8 22:15.

Good luck to all .commies :)
One silly question from blonde girl >.>

does enchants work there in tournament?
[Post deleted by moderator MrBattleControl // Wrong info]
No,they don't
:)) working?!yes it dont works:)
looking for level 6 player for this tournament.
I need a Partner for level 4 please.
Level 5 partners anybody?
Needs a lv10 partner
Need lvl 11 partner with DU ;)
I will have DU too , if interested PM me.
lvl 11 partner
Preferably a Tribal :)
I'm ready to bet 100k gold on anybody; claiming that at lvl 12 there is not gonna be a single team on the top without a darkness demon.
Needs a lv10 partner
It is a tournament by and of and for darkness demon. I faced 7 demons in four out of five battles so far. Lost all except for one and in that one I had a demon on my side. Basically they are unbeatable by knight. And many other things, I think.
14: yeah that's right. Admins should do somethin' about it, or else game could be renamed to Dark Demons of War and Money
Might DE is lame for this tournament.

They are not even good at supporting nor good at doing damage. :P
I agree. it is hilarious to see how all dark demons are winning almost every combat, without much trouble :D Even the classic demon stand no chance against them.

Thank you Admins! you killed the balance :PP
It is hillarious that at russian forum they don't ask for "partners" for the tourney, they ask specifically for a Dark Demon to join them xD
Dark Demon on it's own is not that good. It is good only when paired with someone. I don't think there is any imba with DD.

P.S. Looking for Level 15 Partner. Any faction is fine. Just quick battles.
It is a tournament by and of and for darkness demon. I faced 7 demons in four out of five battles so far. Lost all except for one and in that one I had a demon on my side. Basically they are unbeatable by knight. And many other things, I think.

Might DE is lame for this tournament.

i love the fact you guys say this. me and a might DE, killed an elf and DD with ease :P
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