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Unlimited Retaliation + Concentration does not work properly against berserkers

AuthorUnlimited Retaliation + Concentration does not work properly against berserkers
A more clear representation of the log :

Wild griffins defend.
Berserkers fall into madness.
Wild griffins deal 310 damage to Berserkers. 12 perish.
Berserkers deal 146 damage to Wild griffins. 2 perish.
Or ... is it supposed to not attack twice if the enemy has no retaliation ? If that's the case, I missunderstood the description.
is it supposed to not attack twice if the enemy has no retaliation ?

Yes that's is how it should be. :)

If berserker attacked normally, then griffin would retaliate twice. But since the berserker used it's ability which grants it No Retaliation, your Griffin attacked just once.
No it's not, I just made a combat where I retaliated against laddons twice. The talent description is correct.
[Post deleted by moderator Arcanide // /]
Its a side affect of falling in madness;


They hit before but not after. Check the battle, watch it, berser has morale, don't let it fool you )
the berserk er madness talent says it attacks without taking retaliation strike and it doesn't mention anything about gaining no retaliation ability hence the griff anticipating the attack retaliates once but after that the berserker ability comes to action hence no retaliation strike ,

triking us with difference in english words lol
I don't see why it shouldn't work against berserkers, it's as if they get "no retaliation" when they fall in madness, there is no difference at all. How can you say it's a feature ? There is a difference between a bug that we got used to due to a long time experience and a feature.
Its not a bug, I've thieved as defence knight for over 1500 thiefs, so this goes back to right after the merge. Its not a bug, its a feature, special ability.
I've never seen it any other way, and if it WAS a bug, it would have been fixed like 1 year and half ago.

the berserk er madness talent says it attacks without taking retaliation strike and it doesn't mention anything about gaining no retaliation ability hence the griff anticipating the attack retaliates once but after that the berserker ability comes to action hence no retaliation strike ,
It's a feature ok. Reason : It's there for over a year and half.
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