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[sell]beastbane arts 0/14/0/15

Author[sell]beastbane arts 0/14/0/15
beast bane charm 0/14 - 650
beast bane bow 0/14 - 3450
beast bane band 0/14 - 2500
beast bane band 1/14 - 2950

pm me if any one interested in buying them .
2. Thread headers in this branch must fit the following standard:
[Transaction type][Item][Mod][Durability][Price]

[Transaction type] - compulsory for indicating, one of three types: "Buy", "Sell", "Exchange".

[Item] - compulsory for indicating. If there are multiple items to trade, it is required to type [Various artifacts].
The only acronyms allowed are H, MH, GH and BB.

[Durability] The Durability of the art should be stated here.

[Price] - optional parameter. May only be indicated in case of a single item being subject of trade, in other cases may be given in the thread.

For example: [Sell][Various BB arts][0/xx][2500].
closed by Arcanide (2014-08-20 18:04:01)
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