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152nd ST CL 12

Author152nd ST CL 12
Translated from .ru, There may be some errors. :)
1. 51 Wolf Raiders - 6 Dark sibyls - 51 - 6 (attack)
2. 131 ?? - 13 Hell reapers - 686 Goblins - 57 Lizard cavalry (res)
3. 329 Mountain sentries- 15 Abyss demons- 329 - 15 (mana)
4. Infected zombies Monster(1,5k hp) - 142 Enchanted gargoyles - 166 Infected zombies - 142 Enchanted gargoyles (arrows)
5. 211 Plains wolves - 114 Cerberi - 28 Voracious anglerfish - 50 Genies(mana)
6. 39 Liches - 49 Earth elementals - 262 Forest keepers - 52 Mummies (attack)
7. 26 Ladons - 1 Royal griffins Monster (1076 hp) - 6 Unfettered cyclops - 25 Archliches (attack)
8. 1 Zombies Monster (4434 hp) - 109 Minotaur soldiers - 557 Zombies - 109 Minotaur soldiers (arrows)
9. 15 Cyclops Kings - 6 Angels - 148 Brawlers - 377 Demons (def)
10. 367 Wolf Riders - 327 Giant lizards - 367 Wolf Riders - 327 Giant lizards (attack)
11. 638 Brutes - 7 Magma dragons - 638 Brutes - 7 Magma dragons (health)
12. Everywhere on 43 Cyclops (attack)
13. 247 Tamed minotaurs - 2017 Tribal goblins - 58 Clerics - 282 Wolf Riders (call 87 Sphynx mummies)
14. 840 Hobgoblins - 315 Golems - 840 - 315 (health)
15. 419 Wolfhounds - 304 Stoneeaters - 115 Senior genies - 355 Evil eyes (init)
16. 328 Guardians - 141 Lizard cavalry - 328 -141 (health)
17) 235 Earth elementals - ?? Monster 6900hp/69def - 2351 Skeletons - 358 Griffins (init)
18) 1051 Veterans - 1726 Goblin trappers - 400 Boar riders - 19 Behemoths (arrows)
19) Everywhere on 237 Ogres (res)
2. 171 Bears - 13 Hell reapers - 686 Goblin archers - 57 Lizard cavalry (res)
17) 235 Earth elementals - Tribal cyclops Monster 6900hp/69def - 2351 Skeletons - 358 Griffins (init)
20) 46 Angels - 734 Grandmaster bowman - Commanders Monster(7604hp) - 390 Sky shamans(call ??)
1. 51 Wolf Raiders - 6 Dark sibyls - 51 - 6 (attack)
2. 171 Bears - 13 Hell reapers - 686 Goblin archers - 57 Lizard cavalry (res)
3. 329 Mountain sentries- 15 Abyss demons- 329 - 15 (mana)
4. Infected zombies Monster(1,5k hp) - 142 Enchanted gargoyles - 166 Infected zombies - 142 Enchanted gargoyles (arrows)
5. 211 Plains wolves - 114 Cerberi - 28 Voracious anglerfish - 50 Genies(mana)
6. 39 Liches - 49 Earth elementals - 262 Forest keepers - 52 Mummies (attack)
7. 26 Ladons - 1 Royal griffins Monster (1076 hp) - 6 Unfettered cyclops - 25 Archliches (attack)
8. 1 Zombies Monster (4434 hp) - 109 Minotaur soldiers - 557 Zombies - 109 Minotaur soldiers (arrows)
9. 15 Cyclops Kings - 6 Angels - 148 Brawlers - 377 Demons (def)
10. 367 Wolf Riders - 327 Giant lizards - 367 Wolf Riders - 327 Giant lizards (attack)
11. 638 Brutes - 7 Magma dragons - 638 Brutes - 7 Magma dragons (health)
12. Everywhere on 43 Cyclops (attack)
13. 247 Tamed minotaurs - 2017 Tribal goblins - 58 Clerics - 282 Wolf Riders (call 87 Sphynx mummies - down)
14. 840 Hobgoblins - 315 Golems - 840 - 315 (health)
15. 419 Wolfhounds - 304 Stoneeaters - 115 Senior genies - 355 Evil eyes (init)
16. 328 Guardians - 141 Lizard cavalry - 328 -141 (health)
17) 235 Earth elementals - Tribal cyclops Monster 6900hp/69def - 2351 Skeletons - 358 Griffins (init)
18) 1051 Veterans - 1726 Goblin trappers - 400 Boar riders - 19 Behemoths (arrows)
19) Everywhere on 237 Ogres (res)
20) 46 Angels - 734 Grandmaster bowman - Commanders Monster(7604hp) - 390 Sky shamans(call ??)
Rally orb - 284 lizard cavalry in wave 20
So sad that it was killing fully that commander monster , but it did minimum damage and died
Otherwise i would have passed wave 20 :(
20) 46 Angels - 734 Grandmaster bowman - Commanders Monster(7604hp) - 390 Sky shamans(call 284 lizard cavalry from top)
21) 3974 Sentries - 242 Priests - 3974 - 242 (arrows)
22) 1865 Spawns - 100 Sphynx guardians - 4832 Skeletons - 1849 Mountain sentries(arrows)
23) Black dragons Monster(4348hp 60d) - 269 Commanders - 23 Black dragons - 269 Commanders (attack)
24) Great leviathans Monster(11736hp 95d) - 6436 Recruits - 64 Great leviathans - 6436 Recruits (init)
closed by ElfPride (2015-03-22 13:10:40)
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