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Flooders Tenthouse


AuthorFlooders Tenthouse
330k. I wonder when will I reach 400k :$
It took me less than a week to reach 2.5 million net worth if I remember correctly xD
No roulette please :/
-72,085 GOLD , because of roulette. :)
No roulette please :/
ah sorry :P

330k. I wonder when will I reach 400k :$
Since you have about 335k right now(incl wood), you need 65k more.

You live at Crystal Garden, which is excellent for enrolling and you might even average 210 per enroll if not more. You also have LG 4 (1.6 times bonus) so you get 336 gold on average per enroll, and you enroll about 13 times a day, so 4368 gold a day on average. so it should take you about 15 days to reach 400k :)
Good luck!
That guy, TheKnightsss is making a quite a huge fuss over literally nothing in the main forums :/
Cyber crime? lol even if someone has a scripts to profit a few thousand gold its just a game :P
How's everyone doing? ^^
for randomr1:
Tell me about it. I experienced a mild headache while reading his sentences.
I experienced a mild headache while reading his sentences.
I read few line and give up to read it again = =
testing text:Target creature can only retaliate if it has not been knocked.
Target creature can only retaliate if it has not been knocked. This ability attempts to trigger as many times as many tiles were covered before the attack; thus, if this creature attacks from place on any turn, the chance of this ability to trigger is 0.
Paw knock:
† Triggering special ability.
Target creature can only retaliate if it has not been knocked.
Looks like can't write 3 dots: ...
Ok, no idea why I can't post the whole text of Paw knock:
for Lord Robai:
when i try to post it,it's saying "Text contains links to forbidden resources."
at last.. it rains :P

haze for like a week. was about to die
Rained for only 20min =.= Probably due to cloud seeding..

I'm already developing symptoms of being the region's first patient zero.
how's it going peeps?
Not like a care anyway.
If you are playing this game, you have enough problems to deal with already.
Good luck.
Rain can't stop the haze! Whole simgapore around 80 psi. It's not good :/
Paw knock:
† Triggering special ability.
This creature has a chance to knock the target of its attack, attempting to displace it by one tile in the direction of its attack making it lose all accumulated initiative
Paw knock:
† Triggering special ability.
This creature has a chance to knock the target of its attack, attempting to displace it by one tile in the direction of its attack making it lose all accumulated initiative.
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