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226 ST [ Level 16 ]

Author226 ST [ Level 16 ]
Left - Top - Right - Bottom - Orb

1) 13 Shadow mistresses - 14 Death proclaimers - 13 Shadow mistresses - 14 Death proclaimers - (HP)
2) 104 Ogre magi - 47 Pristine Unicorns - 104 Ogre magi - 47 Pristine Unicorns - (speed)
3) 180 Enforcers- 35 thunder bird - 178 Brawlers - 5 ?gold? dragons - (Resurection)
4) 35 Pristine Unicorns - 201 Forest brethren - 1164 sceletons - Giant monster (HP:1137; Defence:41) - (speed)
5) 329 Centaur outriders - 229 Mercenary archers - 225 elite forest keepers - 9 death golems - (speed)
6) 112 Hell horses - 926 Infected zombies - 112 Hell horses - 926 Infected zombies - (HP)
7) 77 Fortune genies - 194 Blazing hounds - 77 Fortune genies - Blazing hounds monster (HP:1485; Defence:13) - (Reinforcement of 192 orc shiefs, from left)
8) EVERYWHERE 134 Stonegnawers - (Defence)
9) EVERYWHERE 17 Titans - (Defence)
10) 1049 incendiaries - 899 Wardens - 1049 incendiaries - 899 Wardens - (mana)
11) EVERYWHERE 847 Mercenary archers - (attack)
12) 947 lizard cubs - 115 Dreadbanes - 4928 goblins - 308 water elementals - (Reinforcement of 56 Cyclop generals, from top)
13) 216 Ogre magi - 355 orc shamans - 216 Ogre magi - 355 orc shamans - (HP)
14) EVERYWHERE 914 Elven bowmen - (HP)
15) 1145 Dwarven ursary - 1160 orcs - 45 red dragons - 707 shamans - (arrows)
16) EVERYWHERE 239 Clerics - (initiative)
17) 526 Frenzied griffins - 648 Ogre magi - Imps monster (HP:10650; Defence:56) - 300 Ladons - (initiative)
18) 1014 Cursed witches - 1233 Sharpshooters - 1014 Cursed witches - 1233 Sharpshooters - (mana)

If you want to get waves for your level - write me in pm

Best regards, Nikita
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