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Viewing partner's settlement on ready click

AuthorViewing partner's settlement on ready click
As soon as a teammate clicks the ready button in combat, make the the settlement visible to the team.
If this is feasible, it would be really helpful

All suggestions are welcome.

P.S. I haven't seen any of these ideas(specifically) posted before. If it has been, I apologize :D
& I will close the topics :)

Happy Gaming :D
I don’t see why this would be useful besides avoiding unnecessary conversations on how to settle in the case when your mate already has settled
there is a huge communication gap
In most cases, it is the language barrier
I feel it makes a huge difference to me being a knight.. whether to give center support or be in a corner
I usually wait till I get a reply which in most cases I don't and the player has already settled

also, when u plan to do 60 battles together for some event etc
avoiding unnecessary conversations on how to settle
I feel, even this is a valid point.
yeah, I agree, this is worth implementing.
communication in general should be improved, amazes me that this game doesn't have some kind of in combat chat wheel/request system.

I agree. In CG that would be really great and I didn't have to use Google Translator so much :p

yeah, I agree, this is worth implementing.
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