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[Lease] Servant of Darkness enchanted set [8000/battle]

Author[Lease] Servant of Darkness enchanted set [8000/battle]
******** Servant of Darkness - 8000/battle ********

Servant of Darkness crown [D12E12A12W12F12]
Servant of Darkness pendant [E12A12W12F12]
Servant of Darkness cuirass [D12E12A12W12F12]
Servant of Darkness cloak [E12A12W12F12]
Servant of Darkness staff [E12A12W12F12]
Servant of Darkness boots [D12E12A12W12F12]


For other items and up to date prices please check character info. Thank you
best set on the market! 10/10 would recommend
same, gives me extra superpowers..
No ads today xD
Ad bot has broken. Its impossible to find an ad that can describe how awesome this set is, especially when renting from me ;)
best set in town, rent it and i will throw in a free mom joke
for Igles:
his mom jokes are the best of the best... just like his mom last...
Pretty pog ngl
you say potato I say rent my set
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