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needs to be severe punishment for afk in cg

Authorneeds to be severe punishment for afk in cg
personally would like to see a week in jail for being afk in cg. ruins the game when it happens on your team or the opponents. if people cant be there when cg starts they shouldt join. in todays day and age bad internet is no excuse as connections are pretty solid pretty much anywhere that not 3rd world
It's too harsh, would you accept such punishment for being afk even if the chances are less then 1% ?
So we are not allowed to play the game in the 3rd world?

Too harsh
Its ok as is I think, afk is pretty rare anyways these days, especially in CG
It can happen with anyone. And I don't know which country you consider in 3rd world, anyone anywhere can face a problem which may lead to being afk. Don't forget, even New York faced black out recently. :P
every day i play more the 8 cgs, at least 2 have afks... thats a pretty high ratio if you ask me.
*every day that i play more then 8cgs*

i dont play 8 every day, but when i do there are enough afks to validate me making this post
[quote in todays day and age bad internet is no excuse as connections are pretty solid pretty much anywhere that not 3rd world

yeah screw the third world countries! They shouldn't be allowed to enjoy games.

I'm curious to know which country you're from where you NEVER have to face internet issues.
Tbh I don't join cg often anyway, not a huge amount of people do.

If people started risking a week in jail by joining then you would have an even more limited pool of people joining. I don't believe anyone goes afk from the start on purpose, and so you would still get afk players in cg anyway?

Better would be to force a move if the timer runs out like in clan pvp. Then it's better for both parties. How does it benefit you in game if they are jailed after it anyway
In 3rd world greece internet is really slow and bad but it's not only the internet that can turn you afk.
Kids may woke up or even worse have an accident, food starting to burn, wash machine get off place and starting taking everything with it in the bathroom, a serious phone call etc etc etc.
If none of those or something else apply to you consider your self lucky. :)
every day i play more the 8 cgs, at least 2 have afks... thats a pretty high ratio if you ask me.

Then it's your bad luck buddy. I play 4-5 on most of my mon-busy days. I find afk players once or twice in a week.

Just take a chill pill, it happens. It's same for everyone. And it's good to lose sometimes ;)
Eh, would be for a harsher afk penalty but a week in jail is far too extreme. Some afks are unavoidable but serial offenders should face some kind of punishment.

Perhaps something like this:

1st AFK - 6 hour ban on joining CG

2nd AFK in 5 day period - 2 day ban on joining CG

3rd AFK in 5 day period - 5 day ban on joining CG + (2k * combat level) fine

Minimal punishment for those who have a one off internet issue with escalated penalties for those going afk deliberately. If your internet is so bad that you afk 3 times in 3 days then you shouldn't really be playing CG in the first place. Unfair for teammates.
I believe there is already a punishment, which is losing and get 0 faction points
Perhaps something like this:

1st AFK - 6 hour ban on joining CG

2nd AFK in 5 day period - 2 day ban on joining CG

3rd AFK in 5 day period - 5 day ban on joining CG + (2k * combat level) fine


I believe there is already a punishment, which is losing and get 0 faction points

Except the losing part applies to your partner as well, which is unfair.
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