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Another reform of CG -idea


AuthorAnother reform of CG -idea
Bring back CG where you can team up with friend. That would make CG much much more popular. People like latviesu lords would for sure play more. And more likely to stay. I know few players who left because of toxic CG.
as much as this is good idea i doubt many people would want to face #1 and 2 stat monsters on each level pairing up.
Assuming that paired players only play other paired players, the mode wouldn't be popular at all for the reason slayer mentioned.
Previously it was only mixed cg no paired. So pairing up could lead to facing cl23. Good luck there
I see war fights are quite popular which is exactly what i am talking about. Btw you do realize that you are all much above average in stats. To an average guy you are a stat monster.

And we allready had this format previously and it was very popular. 2vs2 paired. Was abandoned about 7-8 years ago. Many stopped playing because of random russian insults and .com players have a big disadvantage in communication while russians can team up and make a strategy.

And you look from lower level perspective. At level 20+ ONLY stat monsters are playing. You can easily find a random average Joe at level 16 in CG. Not so much at level 22.
Clan battles aren't popular because people want to do them.

The situation has changed from 7-8 years ago. WG and AG were both introduced. (They're coincidentally also the guilds that are the most painful to grind.) Stat discrepancies have increased as people have developed a better understanding of the game.

The best way to make CG more popular is to increase the number of time periods where stats are (close to) equalized, which has been suggested before. Ideally, they would always be adjusted this way (so guilds would only really matter in PvE events), but I suppose this will never happen.
Clan battles aren't popular because people want to do them.

Why do you think GS and those players want perpetual war? Because it's not popular? Maybe not popular for EFL but players like Rengar live for them.
Im at work while clan stuff is going on. So i cant even if i wanted.
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for mellor:

Well yes, some people want clan wars and some people don't. The situation might be a lot different if clan wars only consisted of players who wanted to participate in them.

Rengar is a stat monster and thus would be expected to enjoy that kind of thing, so he's a bad example. Find players with poor stats who enjoy clan wars. There might be some, but probably not many. :)
i mean sure you could implement this but it would quickly die off because it would take 1 lv 18 pair 1 time vs fall1n+venom on 18 to decide they dont want that experience again.

war fights are popular due to 3 cg on win and you can just dump money into enchanting full imperial/heaven set then attack clans who dont have them for easy cg points. basically pay2win mode.

why do you think duel mode in cg isnt very popular? you got stat monsters lurking and waiting for others to join. on day of duels in cg i go to someone like -attillas- battle log and he, with 43 stats on 17, is just absolutely 1 shotting all the average joes trying to play free duels. this would be the same story in 2vs2s.. got stat monsters playing something like HK+classic knight to buff wardens with bless rapid and ferver and paladins sitting on their a## to remove debuffs and just 1 tap anything on the field.
They could do it couple times per day but not like every hour +0.5
Find players with poor stats who enjoy clan wars. There might be some, but probably not many. :)

And do those players play CG at all? Not by any chance. Bad stats, no posiblitity of making a strategy with russian which don't speak english.

All who are against it, what do you suggest for making CG more popular for average player who does not play now? Because right now CG is reserved for monsters and very well above average stat points players. Average players have absolutley no chance at all.

Now we have equal stats fights, blindfolded fights, and ordinary monsters CG fights (without average players or rare suicidal victims). Why are you so against those once per day paired fights?

war fights are popular due to 3 cg on win and you can just dump money into enchanting full imperial/heaven set then attack clans who dont have them for easy cg points. basically pay2win mode.

That is true when they find a clan for CG points farming. Those clans either live as a farm or ditch facilities, refuse to be a farm and go on a tax battles tactics. But for example Ukraine vs. GS? Those people only don't like forced battles each hour. But if there were optional, when they are ready and not driving or on a date (have seen that too, wonder if there was a second date after that :)) they love that. Without expensive enchanted stuff event better. 1 thing more, do you think those war monsters would still insist on war for any price? I doubt it. Those fights ofc would be more difficult so maybe each fight should get the winner 3CG like in war now. Would reduce those crazy wars maybe. Also smaller clans could live a little.
And do those players play CG at all?.

Surprisingly, yes. I hear many complaints from my clan mates regarding CG allies with terrible stats :)

Why are you so against those once per day paired fights

Because it wouldn't accomplish your goal of making CG more popular, although it would make it more enjoyable for those at the very top. I guess that's not such a terrible outcome, but I don't think it's the one you were asking for.
Well this format like now is a big turn off for me so i don't play CG. Neither do 90% of level 20+. You see same people all the time. About 10 players all the time.
what i think would make cg more popular would be stat caps on every level. for example on 17 th top stat players are at 43-45 cap it at 38. i know it was frustrating on 16 facing some of the super stat monster with lg 16 and if you do the math on it they have 18+enrolls a day since their character was created.

also another thing for cg would be the balancing of luck and morale and other triggering effects. luck right now is 2x damage nerf it to 1.5x, this would help elf with elven luck that they could get 200%(original value and makes the talent useful) morale is 50% faster turn, nerf it to 33% or 30%, balance mage classes around the luck and morale nerfs to make it even. rebalancing stun fear blinds is also neccesary.

i may be at the point where im considered a stat monster but even if i outstat players i have encountered plenty of situations of 4 luck 4 morale elf going first and popping off with rng based play. that is the definition of unfun. lots of similar situations with rng morale and luck winning games which reduces the influence of skill.

dwarf, shooter barb, classic shooter elf all have hit luck to win playstyles which is very uninteractive. and obviously my favorite complaint to make is the fact full defense dark demon can kill 2 enemy stacks with 1 meager stack of temptresses.

then there is the huge damage rng factions. holy knight and dark demons. 2-8 and 1-4 damage range respectively. huge difference in the outcome of the game if you kill 2 unicorns or 26 on 1 hit which is just flipping a coin basically. rebalce this to be more consistant with less top end damage so you dont get the leap that wins or loses games. this can be quite the turnoff for a lot of people, me included.
also another thing for cg would be the balancing of luck and morale and other triggering effects. luck right now is 2x damage nerf it to 1.5x, this would help elf with elven luck that they could get 200%(original value and makes the talent useful) morale is 50% faster turn, nerf it to 33% or 30%,

They would have to rework some clases in that case.
So basically you want everyone to play same 2 builds?
Idk how that makes any sense.
it is super annoying since every fury barb i face with 3 luck 3 morale just absolutely pops off with 1 or both on every turn and then when i try it i hit nither on my first 10 moves. just. 1. big. coinflip.

another thing i forgot to add is the rediculousness of stacking % damage reductions

on higher levels with anti+gear+defense tree you can reduce like 70% of all incoming melle and range damage. dark demons are the biggest abusers of this on super high levels with up to 46% range damage reduction paired with avoidance and 30-36% anti. you got 100 attck sharpshooters stack of 60 killing 6-8 a shot. im sure most people who have played mixed before has encountered the dreaded 23 dark demon with 350 fiends doing 4k+ a leap that are absolutely unkillable due to damage reductions. 60+ temptresses that are almost impervious to range damage and take any and every unit etc etc.
So basically you want everyone to play same 2 builds?
Idk how that makes any sense.

i dont see how that would force the same 2 builds out of everyone? just rebalance the pvp aspect so it is less coinflip rng and more about skill

obviously if they nerf luck morale they would also have to look into holy dark magic so they dont become absolutely oppressive
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