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Most Unbalanced, Unfair, Expensive, Laggy & Boring Event!


AuthorMost Unbalanced, Unfair, Expensive, Laggy & Boring Event!
I will NEVER play this type of PoT event again!

Our opponents continually have max LUCK, while we players have NONE.

This is the most unfair & expensive event, no doubt deliberately set up that way so players will use up their Artifact durability and buy more Diamonds.

Over the years, I have donated lots of bucks to support this game, which I love, yet we're rewarded with the most unbalanced, expensive & laggy event.

We're supposed to be having fun, yet all we get is a grinding, boring time!

Completely agree. Came back to the game after long pause, just to get angry at loses mounting up after hours of scouting of facilities and hundreds of thousands of gold on arts.
Never again!
I called it from the offset. Portal of Grind, only exacerbated by high difficulty increase. IF you go for the "wrong" build early on, the upheaval hassle of then getting the "right" creatures is large. I have been very busy at work so little time, then coupled with the fact that my normal playing time is around an hour or so before the server time changes, so had a frenetic little search for creatures while I could look up where they are. Then would pass server time and would have to wait, as such took too long to get even vaguely close to the creatures I needed. Was rather frustrated that after a while of searching for orcs (since I had started so at least could get to great), they were 1 for 21 crystals and massively not worth it. Extra galling when you have even more crystals to collect for barbs. I think with all the battles, to then now know the price of what you are searching for, risks then disappointment for the stuff you have gone through, which I think would be an easy tweak to make it less annoying.
Agree +1

Spent so much gold and time on arts and battle, just to get 2k points..
Yeah, this event should be removed from the rotation.
yea portal enemies just have too many OP abilities. tribal is just crazy, necro is just rediculous with their t7s

aqua is insane with expert def+4 morale
only easy one is demon but then you are basically gambling for 1/5 easy factions
The event should be a permanent event, like a new guild
Yeah, this event should be removed from the rotation.
maybe just not participate?
Just did a rough calculation on the art cost, it took me around 360k on gold :(
Love this event
I'm glad to see more players being frustrated by this event. It is very costly and time consuming. And some battles are insane, the difference on the same level is annoying. Some battles were impossible, the next battle too easy, all on the same level.

I barely managed to get within the first 5000, and spend too much money on it. Next time I'll pass on this event.
263k reward. not bad
117k reward. I think I got almost the same as I spent, so even though I was annoyed from the OP opponents, reward wise I think it was balanced enough
for Lexa:
maybe learn to make the game better?
Have you (DarknessWizard) considered the art cost for hunting creature essence gems?
for Alexso:
The art cost for creature essence must alos be considered against normal art vs gold reward for hunters guild points. Comparatively this event presented a relatively low cost opportunity for HG points for those people who have got to the limit of min AP hunting
I am not frustrated because I didn't play the event at all. More of you should do the same.
417k reward. Awesome event!
maybe just not participate?

Next time, I won’t.
In addition to the already mentioned balance flaw with the factions where the difficulty on the same level can reach from winnable with closed eyes (inferno) to almost impossible (barbarian), this event greatly favors the high levels (top 100 is exclusively level 19+). But looking at their fights it's no surprise since for some reason they fight the same enemys as the mid levels.

Level 61, cl 21:https://www.lordswm.com/war.php?lt=-1&warid=1389473298&html5=1&show_for_all=Mec58cf3416
Level 60, cl 16:https://www.lordswm.com/war.php?lt=-1&warid=1390306673&html5=1&show_for_all=Mcb99310b69

Stats, talents, initiative are almost the same. Pretty much only the army increased, but unproportionally to the advantages the high levels get (especially your own shooters getting their turn before the enemy shooters).

Even with those balance flaws this event would be at least tolerable if it wasn't necessary to do 200+ creature hunts just to be able to play the event.
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