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#7152 Court of Equity

 20 heroes

 » Leader: Brilliant

 » Herald: Lord cepruyc

 » Log


He who comes to Equity must come with clean hands. <Tinsley v Milligan (1993)>
He who seeks Equity must do equity. <Chappell v Times Newspapers Ltd (1975)>
Equity looks to the substance rather than the form. <Tulk v Moxhay (1848)>
Equity will not suffer a wrong to be without a remedy.
Equity regards as done that which ought to be done. <Walsh v Lonsdale (1882)>
Where the Equities are equal the first in time prevails.
Equity will not assist a volunteer <Milroy v Lord (1862)>, however it would not strive officiously to defeat a gift <T. Choithram International SA v Pagarani (2001)>

Entrance fee: 10000


All donations are welcomed, will be acknowledged here.

china_blue99 (2000 on 28-8-08)(5000 on 4-9-08)(5000 on 5-9-08)(5000 on 9-9-08)(3000 on 19-9-08)(5000 on 4-1-09)(5000 on 22-6-09)
Sg_Necromancer (5000 on 1-9-08)(5000 on 18-10-08)
XxFaithxX (5000 on 20-9-08)
cepruyc (10000 on 4-10-08)
aRU (10000 on 3-12-08)
Popper (10000 on 25-5-09)
Tony_1 (5000 on 21-8-09)
Barilla (10000 on 29-9-09)
BalaramReddy (10000 on 20-11-09)
Sengrath (5000 on 14-5-10)

Involuntary donations received
Sg_necromancer 2000
Melow 16000

All money in Court are held on trust for the benefit of all members.
Trustees : Lord Chancellor & Lord Chief Justice
Beneficiaries : Members


Members who rented TGI :
08-22-08 12:13: Transferred item(s): 'Thief invitation' [1/1] to cepruyc
09-09-08 01:07: Transferred item(s): 'Thief invitation' [1/1] to Sg_Necromancer
10-02-08 06:12: Transferred item(s): 'Thief invitation' [1/1] to melow
11-09-08 12:30: Transferred item(s): 'Thief invitation' [1/1] to Xerfer
11-21-08 14:50: Transferred item(s): 'Thief invitation' [1/1] to Halvspak
12-06-08 01:54: Transferred item(s): 'Thief invitation' [1/1] to XxFaithxX
12-20-08 09:21: Transferred item(s): 'Thief invitation' [1/1] to aRU
12-24-08 07:44: Transferred item(s): 'Thief invitation' [1/1] to DarkLillith
01-02-09 16:45: Transferred item(s): 'Thief invitation' [1/1] to Loyalt

Artifacts acquired for rental to members.
(250509) Hat of Knowledge [100 gold per battle]
(250509) Shoe of aspiration [80 gold per battle]
(250509) (2 units) Ring of Abdication [180 gold per battle]
(270509) Pendant of Despair(donated by cepruyc)[200 gold per battle]
(300509) 'Steel cuirass' [0/69] (donated by cepruyc)[100 gold per battle]

Members interested in renting the above artifacts, please PM me.

Cepruyc has some lvl 7/8 arts for rent. Please PM him for details.

Now is week {10}
{X} denotes tax paid up to Xth week
Taxation is suspended

1.Offline Brilliant 15 Lord Chancellor 
2.Offline #4201Lord cepruyc 13 Master of the Rolls (Jewelcrafter 2*8%) 
3.Offline Sg_Necromancer 9 {-6} 
4.Offline Lord melow 9 {6}_Lord Justice 
5.Offline #7181Lord Xerfer 12 {5}_Lord Justice 
6.Offline Flesh-n-Machine 7 Hibernate 
7.Offline royalguardken 7 Justice 
8.Offline XxFaithxX 12 {-2} 
9.Offline Euphemia 6 {7}_Justice 
10.Offline Lord Loyalt 7 {2}_Justice (TGI 2-1-09) 
11.Offline ntfa 9 {7}_Justice 
12.Offline DarkLillith 8 {4}_Lord Justice 
13.Offline #4201Pantheon 001 15 {10}_Lord Justice 
14.Offline Lord Vhailor 9 {8}_Lord Justice 
15.Offline warteoo 7 Justice 
16.Offline #7279Tony_1 8 Justice 
17.Offline Anmol 8 Lord Justice 
18.Offline BalaramReddy 9 {10} Lord Justice 
19.Offline #9595thaidye15 18 Lord Justice 
20.Offline Sengrath 8 Justice 
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