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#7639 The Order of Zergolos

 30 heroes

 » Leader: Nutella

 » Herald: Georgia

 » Log

This is the Temple of The Order of Zergolos.

The God Zergolos has existed since before the time of the Empire
and will continue last long after this Empire has crumbled to ash.

Zergolos speaks to us only through his appointed medium Nutella.

All disciples of Zergolos must therefore submit to the leadership
and guidance of Nutella.

The three rules of the Order of Zergolos are:

1. We believe in a hidden order behind all things.

Therefore, human made rules are of little consequence to this clan.
Disciples of this clan are not bound by Zergolos to follow the rules
of the Empress. Disciples are bound to listen to their own inner voice
and be guided by Zergolos on whether to break the Empire's rules or not.
Only Zergolos, or his medium Nutella may override the dictates of this inner voice.

2. We believe in, and embrace, war.

Any who insult Zergolos or disciples of The Order will be challenged
on the battlefield. A denial of such a challenge will be interpreted
as cowardice in the face of Zergolos' omnipotence.

3. We do not care about reputation.

Zergolos gives us the inner strength to take advice, but our will
won't be subordinated to the common practice.

All hail Zergolos!


Players, who insulted Zergolos:

- DeathIsNear
- Elven_Lord
- PetitEtMechant


Players, who denied a challenge by a disciple of Zergolos:

- DeathIsNear


Players, who accepted a challenge by a disciple of Zergolos:

- Elven_Lord (http://www.lordswm.com/warlog.php?lt=-1&warid=20777297)
- PetitEtMechant (http://www.lordswm.com/warlog.php?lt=-1&warid=20541445)


Makkadihm: 20,000 gold


All hail Zergolos!

1.Offline Nutella 15 Holy Leader And Guider 
2.Offline #7365Slynky 12  
3.Offline Georgia 9 Messenger of Zergolos 
4.Offline Lord Schwan 12  
5.Offline viola17 14  
6.Offline Artisian 8 Recruiter 
7.Offline Lord Saptarshi 14 Recruiter on Behalf of Zergolos 
8.Offline JeveragJettison 14  
9.Offline #7181Lord lukeman56789 10  
10.Offline ARMAGEDON 10  
11.Offline Lord HeartBreakkid 11  
12.Offline #7181Lord Jabbar 14 Monks Slayer 
13.Offline Lord Makkadihm 13  
14.Offline Lord Sarakash 9  
15.Offline Heindall 9  
16.Offline Arkapal_11 12  
17.Offline #7279desigirl 13  
18.Offline #7102Zohan23 14  
19.Offline #7490Lady SladurAna 17  
20.Offline SnowCrash 6  
21.Offline LordOfThisGame 6  
22.Offline Perkalov 9  
23.Offline MJ007 5  
24.Offline #7365danielns13 7  
25.Offline sjb50 11  
26.Offline yarly 9  
27.Offline alexanderthelit 9  
28.Offline #4201Switch 14  
29.Offline #7279I_am_yes 11  
30.Offline saksham-4 10  
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