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wand useless


Authorwand useless
In no way this wand will become rare. Everyone has one. Anyone wants to buy my wand?
Interestingly, the wand was still worth 8 AP until I changed something to my artifact configuration. So be careful - if what you wear is fine, don't change anything! ^_^
no way this wand will become rare

In the future, it will become rare.
that durability lasts for the next year then we get a new one (=
actually you cannot transfer the wand in any way, so even if it would become rare, no way to profit from it :)
actually you cannot transfer the wand in any way, so even if it would become rare, no way to profit from it :)

Hmm,thx alyna,I didn't realize that point :)
keep 1 year to see what happen
it takes up too much space, by-bye wand :o
Now the wand lose the remaining durability and drop to only 1 AP and +1 defence. Perhaps the next step is to dissapear from inventory?
i havn't taken the wand off yet, and it's still giving me +2 knowledge, and +1 spell power
Same for me. Don't say it too loud :p
To those people who still have the sp/kn boost, don't reset erudition.
I just did it, and i lost the extra points :(
i havn't taken the wand off yet, and it's still giving me +2 knowledge, and +1 spell power

Duality off, then back to zero either way. =)
now at 1 ap and just +1 defense, it is officially useless for me now.
If we use it 10 times it will disapear from inventory?
Mine was unequipped automatically so i selled it and dun got any money
Dear All,

Actually, it gives the +2 knowledge +1 spell power stuff still if u kept it on. im not sure about the spells though, cause I had the special stuff and thought "what the...isn't it january 4?" then i took it off and when i put it back on, it turned into 1def !! :(.

Anyways, we all had a nice new year playing this game because of admins!

I wish everyone good luck in the future...

PS. OMG Skunder!!
Haiya .. :)

Yeahh .. :) but this magic wand can still give u +1 Def .. :) that is good .. and it is free .. see the repair cost just 10 GOLD .. :) OMG .. :)
actually you cannot transfer the wand in any way, so even if it would become rare, no way to profit from it :)

Who knows, they may change something when 99.9% of people have gotten rid of the wand :p
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