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16th survival tournament level 8


Author16th survival tournament level 8
knight attempt 2: 26000... :(

its bad... i can improve.
correct waves

left / up / right / down

W1: 32 imps/11 merc archer/32 imps / 11 merc archers
W2: 27 gargs up and down
W3: 1 nightmare / 3 liz cavalry / 1 nightmare / 3 liz cavalry
W4: 26 ghosts / 3 clerics / 26 ghosts / 3 clerics
W5: 70 faries / 6 senior genies / 70 faries / 6 senior genies
W6: 5 nightmares on all sides
W7: 16 regenade magicians(RM) / 7 lorekeepers(LK) / 16 RM / 7 LK
W8: 24 enchanted gargs / 36 demons / 14 gaurdians / 32 spawns
W9: 51 incendaries / 15 ogres / 51 incendaries / 15 ogres
W10: 1 devil 4 sphynx gaurdians 1 giant and 17 magi
W11: 96 Gremlins 20 Mercenary Warriors 20 Giant Lizards 3 Clerics
W12: 3 Cyclops 5 Thunderbirds 3 Cyclops 5 Thunderbirds
W13: 14 Lizard Cavalry 196 Skeletons 14 Lizard Cavalry 196 Skeletons
W14: 27 druids | 17 hydras | 109 xbows | 2 Jade dragons
W15: 8 ladons | 13 hydras | 8 ladons | 13 hydras
dark elf score
hope i will be the first
Amount of attempts: 7 (2)
Highest score: [Demon] 35846
[Demon] 31029 xDD
W14: 27 druids | 17 hydras | 109 xbows | 2 Jade dragons

killed everything but 17 hydras
closed by Brilliant (2010-07-04 19:12:03)
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