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Author16th survival tournament level 8
Pls post waves here with the order

Left / Up/ Right/ Down

left / up / right / down

W1 32imps/11 merc archer/32 imps / 11 merc archers
W2 gargs up and down 28 or something
W3 1 nightmare / 3 liz cavalry / 1 nightmare / 3 liz cavalry
W4 26 ghosts / 3 clerics / 26 ghosts / 3 clerics
W5 70 faries / 6 senior genies / 70 faries / 6 senior genies
W6 5 nightmares on all sides
W7 16 regenade magicians(RM) / 7 lorekeepers(LK) / 16 RM / 7 LK
W8 24 enchanted gargs / 36 demons / 14 gaurdians / 32 spawns
W9 51 incendaries / 15 ogres / 51 incendaries / 15 ogres

1 try elf 17008 score
Amount of attempts: 7 (1)
Highest score: 26163

W 10 1 devil 4 sphynx gaurdians 1 giant and 17 lore keepers

man duivel how did you beat this one??
He is a demon not an elf
Hope to see the further waves soon :)

Any barb results? They always survive longest in these tournaments I believe :)
true barbs, knights and demons sometimes mostly wizzards too....
true barbs, knights and demons sometimes mostly wizzards too....

True with Barb and Demon, not the knight dude :)

Swords, as the main force are too slow :P
I got like 25000
W11 96 Gremlins 20 Mercenary Warriors 20 Giant Lizards 3 Clerics
W12 3 Cyclops 5 Thunderbirds 3 Cyclops 5 Thunderbirds
W13 14 Lizard Cavalry 196 Skeletons 14 Lizard Cavalry 196 Skeletons
by -Klingsor1-:

Participants level: 8
Challenge type: Survival
Equipment limitations: Standard (8 minimum AP, shop artifacts only)
Amount of attempts: 7 (1)
Highest score: [Barbarian] 35526

as requested: left | up | right | down

#14: 27 druids | 17 hydras | 109 xbows | 2 green dragons
#15: 8 ladons | 13 hydras | 8 ladons | 13 hydras

good luck
kling how an earth did u get past wave 14!
for manufc21999r:

-Klingsor1- is one of the best tournament champions. And Barbarian is one of the best factions for survival tournaments :)

Barbarian is one of the best factions for survival tournaments :)
main reason is orcs unlimited bloodlust
Wave 14 is so hard, is there anyone OTHER than barb managed to survive it?
what is the best score for lev 8 knight
elf 21526 after second shot, any other elves?
elf 24578
Amount of attempts: 7 (2)
Highest score: [Demon] 31029
who have more ??
Amount of attempts 7.
Highest score: (DE) 25000.
Please post ur scores dark elves.
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