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Reduction of Laborers' guild


AuthorReduction of Laborers' guild
with 15k we can buy diamonds...
no need to spend real money...
thats y LG is reduced... i believe...
[Post deleted by moderator Slynky // Off-topic - WARNING, DROP THE POLITICS]
Explain the meaning of the reduction of salary? Who needs it and where does it lead? I was disappointed in the game. Degradation does not lead to the best. This is not the end... I'll be back.
P.S. I thought that freedom of expression inherent in a democratic regime. However, here dominated by other ideals. Well in my heart I'll stay the way I was a communist....
Explain the meaning of the reduction of salary?

Search the forum. Artic clearly stated why there is an LG cut.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.
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