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faction balance


Authorfaction balance
Barbarians is strong,But thier defence is weak. :) i love barbbarians.
anyone has tried def barb or might wiz??? lol!
holy knight could defeat magic wizard.

From my expirience knights are also too slow to run after DE or garg in opposite corner, otherwise great to defend magic DE or wiz.

Necroes are weak

you are wrong

Necroes are strong up to level 13, only wizzards are troublesome. Weak at levels 14+.

He beat knights, magic DE, you name it in 1x1.

Personally do not find duels fun at all, only as a quick way to get commander's guild points.

However, run through BoJIoD9I logs and came across 3 battles 2x2 against magic DE

The one there his team lost:


Victory against DE, low faction DE and shrews as a magic build is a loss-loss battle:


Another victory vs DE, again low faction DE magic build and OMG shrews again. Moreover proper DE in a team and barb on opposite side, who are weak against DE and necroes:

faction balance? hmm... there is no actual balance before lv8. almost each faction has its absolute advantage on certain level gap.

not mention on any diamond advantage, the balance start from Lv8 where you:
1. have troops size had been minor adjusted
2. build magic guild / combat school level 2
3. have sufficient talent points for variety choice to deploy multiple strategy and tactic to encounter different situation.
4. join group battle; forget the duel, the gap is too significant to show who is the winner from the begin.

From my expirience knights are also too slow to run after DE or garg in opposite corner, otherwise great to defend magic DE or wiz.

that's right. for knight to defeat magic DE and wiz require alot personal luck. BUT, the only way to reduce your personal luck is go with magic knight. you have no idea how can magic ruin your opponents and save your tortoise knight unit :)
I think that the hero level plays an important role to advantages and disadvantages too.

it is still possible that you can defeat your opponent even you are 1 lever lower :)

Dude, that barbarian have made alot of wrong moves, and you call barb faction weak only because watch one replay?

elves always wins against knights (lvl 5 t0 8)

we die before some turns because of there bows and druids
@ 28
You use max x-bows against elves, no surprise you lose easily.

Dude, that barbarian have made alot of wrong moves, and you call barb faction weak only because watch one replay?


My other char is barb level 14, what is so unbelievable? Yes barbs are the weakest levels 12+.
My other char is barb level 14, what is so unbelievable? Yes barbs are the weakest levels 12+.

I personally, experienced that barbs in levels 10-13 are the strongest faction in a GB, because of their orc chiefs. I don't know about higher lvl barbs but as I've seen in .ru server, barbs win in a all for oneself 6 or 4 player combats.
I personally, experienced that barbs in levels 10-13 are the strongest faction in a GB, because of their orc chiefs. I don't know about higher lvl barbs but as I've seen in .ru server, barbs win in a all for oneself 6 or 4 player combats.

Check the blindfold tournaments scores there, at 11-13 top scores got necroes, knights occasianal barbs and wizzards.

14+ Chaos DE and Wizzards, few knights and necroes.
what faction that can beat 14+ Chaos DE and Wizzards then?
its about who is using faction if you are against me nothing helps
what faction that can beat 14+ Chaos DE and Wizzards then?

Elf. Can't speak of other factions didn't played much with them but with elf you can beat magic DE and wizard. Afcorse if there is no racial resist from both sides.
Elf. Can't speak of other factions didn't played much with them but with elf you can beat magic DE and wizard. Afcorse if there is no racial resist from both sides.

Are you sure Elf can beat them? Zap! GG GMB. BOOM! GG Anchorites. Zap!Zap! BB Efks. Zap! BB Dragons. Unless you're talking about an Elf build I never seen.
[Post deleted by moderator Pang // ]
Unless you're talking about an Elf build I never seen.

i will look into it soon or later once i m done with wiz :)
One unbalance which is troubling me for a long time-
Might DE- good in hunts/ tourney , bad in PvP.
Magic DE- good in PvP, worse in hunts/tourneys.
No other faction has such a problem. Every other faction has atleast one built which suits both hunts and PvP .
for vishnus:

Good point.But I think even Demons suffer from same unbalance,or that's what I believe.
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