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How long before level 15 will sit in the woods?


AuthorHow long before level 15 will sit in the woods?
#20: I totally agree. It just takes you too much time.
for xXxKratosxXx:
we are still online: BoJIoD9I, Antos, Kusika, Fes!
for manti:
come on you for 15 levels are hunting a pair of long-time twice than 2 vs2
or even do MG quest against some army you will do more than 1 hour with min ap...When I will be at 15lv will do my best to make CG battles, so much fun there :)
almost there
for BoJIoD9I:
Sometimes I don't have much time to make PvP and I also experienced this: even if sometimes hunts lasted longer, I could make a pause or leave them for later without problems..
And PvP needs more responsability.

But I confess that sometimes I have time and I don't do PvP because I'm not used to because I had a long pause from it because of school.
It's not so much problem of the all the time spent together doing hunts, ambushes, merc quests... I agree if summarized at the end of the day you could have done 1 or even 2 GBs, but it is devided during the day. Once you start GB, you are doomed to stay infront of the computer for quite some time and there is no such way of leaving the post and continuing later.
I hear russian server have more than 26k players, we have 1.2k at beast time, if we get more players, we will get more, hunt assistence, more TG, more GB and CG... (Also better offers at market)

We just need more players, to reach new levels, i think 60% of all players stop playing at middle level, because take so long to level up, and the GB start stop be found, and everyone start do hunt, and it is bored to do all the time, i love battle with everyone, love GB, but im not fan of hunt. We need more players, to keep GB with all levels and this tradition never stop.
a 2v2 can be quicker than waiting for hunts or doing hard hunts with a partner (Sometimes)

the main problem normally is the time you take to find the other 3 players to play a 2v2 is longer than the time you spend fighting :)

Anyway I'm alwayas up for a CG as long as I'm not too busy :)(but I'm still lvl 14 tho :( )
Actually my topic NO CG is about the same. The people are afraid of fighting PvP because it is necessary to think (can you imagine this???) and hunting usually does not require much intellect. And excuses about LG cut are only excuses!!!
The people are afraid of fighting PvP because it is necessary to think
I see you can read in human's mind sitting in fron of your PC.
At level 8+ ins't like at the start, the people know how to play, is rare see one noob, more easy you find at level 14+ because they keep alot of time without doing a PVP battle, so when he do some mistakes to back be good again...

But why everyone start do hunt at level 8+? This is easy. To take money and money and money and increvese FSP too. and hunter skill, to be really strong...

With more time you take to level up, more strong you will be.

With money, you can be a enchanter, you can buy full arts, you can be a thief...

So is more probby no one do GB because they are smart, than they don't do because are dumb.
spent 2 battle 2 vs 2 for 1.5 hours! While that still had to recover! And you say it takes too much time!

02-04-11 22:03: binghuo[15], Antos[15] vs BoJIoD9I[15], Isaacimov[15]
02-04-11 20:50: Kiskoko[15], Antos[15] vs binghuo[15], BoJIoD9I[15]
closed by Lord BoJIoD9I (2011-03-29 01:58:46)
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