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Stupid lvl 13


AuthorStupid lvl 13
Why there are no any new structures in the castle (without diamonds) on lvl 13?
Guess what admins want you to do.
[Post deleted by moderator cantbstopped // Foul language]
[Player banned by moderator cantbstopped until 2011-02-06 20:29:06 // Foul language]
Lvl 13 is Ok. You do a antiskill point by other faction`s
necromancer lev12 fl3: https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=4629872
necromancer lev13 fl3: https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=4423285

exact same troops =/
demon has the same
I don't use diamonds.

Maybe you should start buying diamonds to help the game and stop complaining.
Lvl 13 is beyond boring. It borders on torturous.
The good thing though is that it is a good level to build up a different castle and get some decent faction resistance.
I'm very happy that I'm about to graduate from this mind-numbing level..
necromancer lev12 fl3: https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=4629872
necromancer lev13 fl3: https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=4423285

exact same troops =/

no, there are some extra troops for necro too.

for example https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=4442523
To Dan-Panic: Well, maybe I don't want to spend my money as well besides the time for this game and since this is a FREE game I believe I'm perfectly entitled to not buy diamonds.
For the record: I have never ever complained anything about how game is bad or other stuff that is recently going on on forums. I'm just expressing my opinion, because I think this game is not perfect and some things are done quite irrational and could have been done better. But if you think everything is perfect, I envy you!

Yup, there is always room for improvements . . . That's what keeps players glued on to games like LWM, the curiosity to know what better a player can get! :D
And without some involvements in helping the game, you cannot know what better you can get, probably due to the fact that admins wont get you something better cause you dont help at all :P
Ok manti, you should make a topic on Ideas and suggestions
about increvese more level 13 troops.

We get more number like ever level.
Get talent points.
And get new arts.

If you use might de, and need more talent points, ins't my problem.
If you don't like pvp, is the same.

The game is balanced.

And you still have 4 ways to go.

Save money no next creature.
Increvese enchanter level.
Buy diamounds at mine to upgrade.
Increvese racial resistence, playing with diferent faction.
Well, maybe I don't want to spend my money as well besides the time for this game and since this is a FREE game I believe I'm perfectly entitled to not buy diamonds.

OMG! This is an absolute outrage. They did remove the diamon mine. This is really a big thing! We should declare war and march in and burn down their houses. Why did they remove the diamond mine? Is was a perfect way for those that don't want to spend real money to get the diamonds upgraded and this is now gone. :(
I believe we all know how many times I would overpay the actual price of the construction if I would be buying diamonds with gold. So please stop suggesting irracional ideas. Besides that, I don't know why you are all making such a fuss with those diamonds, they were not even the topic I adressed in my "complain". Looks like, I'm the only one who is not okay with the fact that after 12 levels of recruitment boosts, now on lvl 13 you don't get it.
Looks like, I'm the only one

Not at all. Level 13 is boooooring! ;)
Level 13 is boooooring! ;)
As the top level 13 I bid you all farewell :p
Necromancer level 13 = +4 skeleton bowmen, +2 apparitions, +2 liches

For those saying it doesnt change, you are wrong.
We already concluded that for some factions there is a slight increase in numbers and for some there is none.
Well I do not thing the recruit thing makes this lvl stupid I think it more of:

So few GB, so few people comment on tournaments, no CG fight no nothing....

LVL 13 really so dead!?

Everyone happy to just hunt and ambush and do merq?

Elf get some troops too
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