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Naapa92 - Unblock or Stay Blocked?


AuthorNaapa92 - Unblock or Stay Blocked?
unblock ofc!)
naapa wasnt blocked for afk,he just said thrue about admins and what a surprise-they dnt like it
we are still loosing top players for their inactivity here and if some say thrue,they block him

i m for unblock him of course,but without arctic its without chance
without him is here just totalism and ignorance
block, though he's a lvl 15 player, that dont make him a license to curse admin and player.
Though a bit crazy, nappa is a dedicated player. I don't think he should be blocked at all.
Regardless if you think he should or should not be unblocked is not up to us.
Questions concerning closed affairs, requests and other attempts to contact the Administration are made with the help of Secretary. TYhe forums is not a place to discuss this . If you feel he was blocked for no good reason then by all means mail the secretary.
closed by Queen_Amanda (2011-10-11 20:04:58)
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